Academic English
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Akadeemiline inglise keel
Course title in English
Academic English
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
Expanding academic vocabulary, developing
conversation and listening skills on academic level.
Brief description of the course
Integrated development of the proficiency of English. Enhancement of language skills: both verbal and written forms in an academic context.
Aimed levels of general English : reading C1.2, listening and speaking C1.2, writing C1.2. Prerequisite for registration is proficiency in English at C1.1 level.

Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- has familiarized him- or herself with the main terminology and concepts of the topic;
- has studied the assigned articles on the topics, are able to identify the main and secondary problems in them;
- can relate the problem to their own experience through commentary.
Miriam McIlfatrick-Ksenofontov
Study programmes containing that course
Primary School Teacher (KAKLI/24.HR)
Primary School Teacher (KAKLI/23.HR)
Liberal Arts in Humanities (KKLHB/24.HT)
Primary School Teacher (KAKLI/22.HR)
Law (AKOM/24-o.YK)
History (AIAJM/24.HT)
Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature (EKEOM/24.HT)
Special Education (KAEPM/24.HR)
Youth Work Management (TPNM/24.HR)
Government and Administration (RIRIM/24-o.YK)
Law (AKOM/24-t.YK)
Child Welfare (STLKM/24-o.YK)
Choreography (KUKOM/24.FK)
Linguistics and Language Editing (EKLNM/24.HT)
Urban Governance (HILNM/24.HT)
Adult Education (KAANM/24.HR)
Educational Technology (IFHTM/24.DT)
Sociology (RASLM/24-o.YK)
Psychology (PSPSM/24.LT)
Contemporary Media (BFNMM/24.FK)
Organizational Behavior (PSOKM/24-o.LT)
Translation (GRTKM/24.HT)
Literary Studies (EKKTM/24.HT)
Contemporary Culture (HINKM/24.HT)
Management of Information Technology (IFITM/24.DT)
Social Work (STSTM/24-o.YK)
Vocational Teacher (KAKPM/24.HR)
Political Science (RIPOM/24-t.YK)
Government and Administration (RIRIM/24-t.YK)
Molecular Biochemistry and Ecology (MLBKM/24.LT)
Child Welfare (STLKM/24-t.YK)
Sociology (RASLM/24-t.YK)
Political Science (RIPOM/24-o.YK)
Social Work (STSTM/24-t.YK)
Liberal Arts in Humanities (KKLHB/23.HT)
Primary School Teacher (KAKLI/21.HR)
Comparative Philosophy (HIFVM/24.HT)
Educational Leadership (KAHJM/24.HR)
Early Childhood Education (KAALM/24.HR)
Arts Therapies (KUKTM/24.LT)
Social Work (STSTM/23-t.YK)
Sociology (RASLM/23-o.YK )
Organizational Behavior (PSOKM/23.LT)
Government and Administration (RIRIM/23-o.YK)
Government and Administration (RIRIM/23-t.YK)
Political Science (RIPOM/23-o.YK)
Child Welfare (STLKM/23-o.YK)
Law (AKOM/23-o.YK)
Choreography (KUKOM/23.FK)
Law (AKOM/23-t.YK)
Primary School Teacher (KAKLI/20.HR)
Child Welfare (STLKM/23-t.YK)
Linguistics and Language Editing (EKLNM/23.HT)
Contemporary Culture (HINKM/23.HT)
Vocational Teacher (KAKPM/23.HR)
Early Childhood Education (KAALM/23.HR)
Comparative Philosophy (HIFVM/23.HT)
Sociology (RASLM/23-t.YK)
Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature (EKEOM/23.HT)
Urban Governance (HILNM/23.HT)
Adult Education (KAANM/23.HR)
Psychology (PSPSM/23.LT)
Contemporary Media (BFNMM/23.FK)
Educational Leadership (KAHJM/23.HR)
Special Education (KAEPM/23.HR)
Management of Information Technology (IFITM/23.DT)
Educational Technology (IFHTM/23.DT)
Molecular Biochemistry and Ecology (MLBKM/23.LT)
History (AIAJM/23.HT)
Translation (GRTKM/23.HT)
Literary Studies (EKKTM/23.HT)
Arts Therapies (KUKTM/23.LT)
Social Work (STSTM/23-o.YK)
Political Science (RIPOM/23-t.YK)
Primary School Teacher (KAKLI/19.HR)
Linguistics and Language Editing (EKLNM/22.HT)
Social Pedagogics and Child Protection (STSPM/22.YK)
History (AIAJM/22.HT)
Psychology (PSPSM/22.LT)
Law (AKOM/22-t.YK)
Comparative Philosophy (HIFVM/22.HT)
Contemporary Culture (HINKM/22.HT)
Organizational Behavior (PSOKM/22.LT)
Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature (EKEOM/22.HT)
Asian Studies (HILAM/22.HT)
Educational Sciences (KAKTM/22.HR)
Adult Education (KAANM/22.HR)
Special Education (KAEPM/22.HR)
Early Childhood Education (KAALM/22.HR)
Sociology (RASLM/22.YK)
Literary Studies (EKKTM/22.HT)
Educational Technology (IFHTM/22.DT)
Law (AKOM/22-o.YK)
Vocational Teacher (KAKPM/22.HR)
Contemporary Media (BFNMM/22.FK)
Arts Therapies (KUKTM/22.LT)
Translation (GRTKM/22.HT)
Urban Governance (MLLNM/22.HT)
Political Science (RIPOM/22.YK)
Molecular Biochemistry and Ecology (MLBKM/22.LT)
Management of Information Technology (IFITM/22.DT)
Educational Leadership (KAHJM/22.HR)
Youth Work Management (TPNM/22.HR)
Government and Administration (RIRIM/22.YK)
Social Work (STSTM/22.YK)
Primary School Teacher (KAKLI/18.HR)
Political Science (RIPOM/21.YK)
Recreation Management (TSRKM/21.LT)
Early Childhood Education (KAALM/21.HR)
Youth Work Management (TPNM/21.HR)
Social Pedagogics and Child Protection (STSPM/21.YK)
Contemporary Media (BFNMM/21.FK)
Sociology (RASLM/21.YK)
Asian Studies (HILAM/21.HT)
Translation (GRTKM/21.HT)
Government and Administration (RIRIM/21.YK)
Law (AKOM/21.YK)
Organizational Behavior (PSOKM/21.LT)
Adult Education (KAANM/21.HR)
Educational Sciences (KAKTM/21.HR)
Psychology (PSPSM/21.LT)
Primary School Teacher (KAKLI/00.HR)
Choreography (KUKOM/21.FK)
Management of Information Technology (IFITM/21.DT)
Information Science (INITM/21.DT)
Literary Studies (EKKTM/21.HT)
Cultural Theory and Philosophy (HIKTM/21.HT)
Arts Therapies (KUKTM/21.LT)
Molecular Biochemistry and Ecology (MLBKM/21.LT)
Vocational Teacher (KAKPM/21.HR)
Environmental Management (MLKSM/21.LT)
Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature (EKEOM/21.HT)
Linguistics and Language Editing (EKLNM/21.HT)
Educational Technology (IFHTM/21.DT)
Educational Leadership (KAHJM/21.HR)
Social Work (STSTM/21.YK)
History (AIAJM/21.HT)
Special Education (KAEPM/21.HR)
Special Education (KAEPM/20.HR)
Primary School Teacher (KAKLI/17.HR)
Educational Leadership (KAHJM/20.HR)
Adult Education (KAANM/20.HR)
Educational Sciences (KAKTM/20.HR)
Early Childhood Education (KAALM/20.HR)
Vocational Teacher (KAKPM/20.HR)
Asian Studies (HILAM/20.HT)
History (AIAJM/20.HT)
Youth Work Management (TPNM/20.HR)
Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature (EKEOM/20.HT)
Linguistics and Language Editing (EKLNM/20.HT)
Translation (GRTKM/20.HT)
Literary Studies (EKKTM/20.HT)
Cultural Theory and Philosophy (HIKTM/20.HT)
Law (AKOM/20.YK)
Contemporary Media (BFNMM/20.FK)
Management of Information Technology (IFITM/20.DT)
Urban Governance (MLLNM/20.HT)
Molecular Biochemistry and Ecology (MLBKM/20.LT)
Political Science (RIPOM/20.YK)
Sociology (RASLM/20.YK)
Arts Therapies (KUKTM/20.LT)
Social Work (STSTM/20.YK)
Social Pedagogics and Child Protection (STSPM/20.YK)
Organizational Behavior (PSOKM/20.LT)
Environmental Management (MLKSM/20.LT)
Psychology (PSPSM/20.LT)
Government and Administration (RIRIM/20.YK)
Educational Technology (IFHTM/20.DT)
Information Science (INITM/20.DT)
Educational Sciences (KAKTM/19.HR)
Government and Administration (RIRIM/19.YK)
Management of Information Technology (IFITM/19.DT)
History (AIAJM/19.HT)
Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature (EKEOM/19.HT)
Translation (GRTKM/19.HT)
Literary Studies (EKKTM/19.HT)
Special Education (KAEPM/19.HR)
Early Childhood Education (KAALM/19.HR)
Social Work (STSTM/19.YK)
Adult Education (KAANM/19.HR)
Educational Leadership (KAHJM/19.HR)
Environmental Management (MLKSM/19.LT)
Recreation Management (TSRKM/19.LT)
Primary School Teacher (KAKLI/16.HR)
Educational Technology (IFHTM/19.DT)
Youth Work Management (TPNM/19.HR)
Organizational Behavior (PSOKM/19.LT)
Law (AKOM/19.YK)
Linguistics and Language Editing (EKLNM/19.HT)
Arts Therapies (KUKTM/19.LT)
Social Pedagogics and Child Protection (STSPM/19.YK)
Psychology (PSPSM/19.LT)
Cultural Theory and Philosophy (HIKTM/19.HT)
Information Science (INITM/19.DT)
Molecular Biochemistry and Ecology (MLBKM/19.LT)
Asian Studies (HILAM/19.HT)
Choreography (KUKOM/19.FK)
Contemporary Media (BFNMM/19.FK)
Urban Governance (MLLNM/19.HT)
Sociology (RASLM/19.YK)
Political Science (RIPOM/19.YK)
Youth Work Management (TPNM/18.HR)
Translation (GRTKM/18.HT)
Psychology (PSPSM/18.LT)
Cultural Theory and Philosophy (HIKTM/18.HT)
Government and Administration (RIRIM/18.YK)
Sociology (RASLM/18.YK)
Educational Technology (IFHTM/18.DT)
Information Science (INITM/18.DT)
Communication (KOKOM/18.FK)
Urban Governance (MLLNM/18.HT)
Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature (EKEOM/18.HT)
Recreation Management (TSRKM/18.LT)
Contemporary Media (BFNMM/18.FK)
Molecular Biochemistry and Ecology (MLBKM/18.LT)
History (AIAJM/18.HT)
Early Childhood Education (KAALM/18.HR )
Special Education (KAEPM/18.HR )
Adult Education (KAANM/18.HR )
Educational Leadership (KAHJM/18.HR )
Educational Sciences (KAKTM/18.HR )
Arts Therapies (KUKTM/18.LT)
Political Science (RIPOM/18.YK)
Management of Information Technology (IFITM/18.DT)
Social Work (STSTM/18.YK)
Literary Studies (EKKTM/18.HT)
Social Pedagogics and Child Protection (STSPM/18.YK)
Organizational Behavior (PSOKM/18.LT)
Asian Studies (HILAM/18.HT)
Environmental Management (MLKSM/18.LT)
Cultural Theory and Philosophy (HIKTM/17.HT)
Literary Studies (EKKTM/17.HT)
Educational Sciences (KAKTM/17.HR)
Molecular Biochemistry and Ecology (MLBKM/17.LT)
Educational Technology (IFHTM/17.DT)
Information Science (INITM/17.DT)
Urban Governance (MLLNM/17.HT)
Organizational Behavior (PSOKM/17.LT)
Social Pedagogics and Child Protection (STSPM/17.YK)
Political Science (RIPOM/17.YK)
Translation (GRTKM/17.HT)
Adult Education (KAANM/17.HR)
Special Education (KAEPM/17.HR)
Arts Therapies (KUKTM/17.LT)
Recreation Management (TSRKM/17.LT)
Psychology (PSPSM/17.LT)
Government and Administration (RIRIM/17.YK)
Public Administration (RIHJM/17.YK)
Choreography (KUKOM/17.FK)
Contemporary Media (BFNMM/17.FK)
Environmental Management (MLKSM/17.LT)
Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature (EKEOM/17.HT)
Communication (KOKOM/17.FK)
Linguistics and Language Editing (EKLNM/18.HT)
Sociology (RASLM/17.YK)
History (AIAJM/17.HT)
Literature, Visual Culture and Film Studies (HIKVM/17.HT)
Early Childhood Education (KAALM/17.HR)
Management of Information Technology (IFITM/17.DT)
Social Work (STSTM/17.YK)
Asian Studies (HILAM/17.HT)
Educational Leadership (KAHJM/17.HR)
Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature (EKEOM/16.HT)
Landscape Ecology (MLGM/17.LT )
Political Science (RIPOM/16.YK)
Recreation Management (TSRKM/16.LT)
Urban Governance (MLLNM/16.HT)
Linguistics and Language Editing (EKLNM/17.HT)
Cultural Theory and Philosophy (HIKTM/16.HT)
Adult Education (KAANM/16.HR)
Molecular Biochemistry and Ecology (MLBKM/16.LT)
Social Work (STSTM/16.YK)
Social Pedagogics and Child Protection (STSPM/16.YK)
Early Childhood Education (KAALM/16.HR)
Organizational Behavior (PSOKM/16.LT)
Educational Leadership (KAHJM/16.HR)
Youth Work Management (TPNM/16.HR)
Translation (GRTKM/16.HT)
History (AIAJM/16.HT)
Special Education (KAEPM/16.HR)
Literary Studies (EKKTM/16.HT)
Public Administration (RIHJM/16.YK)
Government and Administration (RIRIM/16.YK)
Sociology (RASLM/16.YK)
Psychology (PSPSM/16.LT)
Anthropology (HIANM/16.HT)
Arts Therapies (KUKTM/16.LT)
Environmental Management (MLKSM/16.LT)
Comparative Literature and Cultural Semiotics (HIKSM/16.HT)
Landscape Ecology (MLGM/16.LT)
Linguistics and Language Editing (EKLNM/16.HT)