Study programme code
Study programme administrator
Ilona-Evelyn Rannala
MER study programme code
School / college
HR - School of Educational Sciences
Study programme title in Est.
Noorsootöö korraldus
study programme title in Engl.
Youth Work Management
Language of instruction
Study level
Master's studies
Study domain
Health and Welfare
Study programme group
social services
Study programme subgroup
Child care and youth services
Nominal study period (in semesters)
Access conditions
An applicant must have a Bachelor´s degree or an equivalent level of preparation.
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Minimum level of proficiency of the Estonian language at B2 level according to the European Framework of Reference for Languages. The minimum level of proficiency of the English language at B1 level according to the European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Entrance examination.
Degrees conferred
sotsiaalteaduse magister
Study programme aims and objectives
- Create opportunities for the development of the evidence-based knowledge concerning the origins of youth work, show more...
cross-sectoral theoretical approaches and processes at international, national, local and organisational level.
- Create opportunities for the development of youth worker’s professional identity pursuant to level 7 of professional standard.
Learning outcomes of the study programme
- analyses the shaping of the field of youth work, its fundamentals and links with other subject fields show more...
- understands the principles of management and the starting points of innovation management in the field of youth work at international, national, local and organisational level
- implements one’s knowledge of supporting learning and development of both the youth and colleagues in various contexts and situations
- values evidence-based solutions to the relevant problems of the youth, youth policies and youth work taking into consideration international trends and Estonian socio-cultural characteristics
- implements the principles of conducting research and its results in the field of youth work
- analyses one’s own identity as a youth worker according to the set requirements of youth worker’s professional activities and ethics
Graduation requirements
In order to graduate, the student shall complete the study programme in the given volume, show more...
which includes passing all compulsory courses and compiling and defending the Master’s thesis. Students who have not graduated from upper secondary schools where Estonian is the language of instruction, or who have graduated from schools where Estonian is only partly the language of instruction, are required to have Estonian language proficiency at C1 level.
Since the admission of year 2016 students are required to pass during the studies at least one course which uses a foreign language as the language of instruction
Study programme version structure:
Module type
total ECTS credits
University-Wide Courses