Overview of Psychology
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Ülevaade psühholoogiast
Course title in English
Overview of Psychology
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2025/2026 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
To develop the integrated understanding about different perspectives of the field of psychology and their use in applied settings. To support the development of the understanding of a human being as a bio-socio-psychological whole decoding reality.
Brief description of the course
An introduction of different perspectives of the field of psychology. The methods of investigation in psychology: experiment, observation, interview, questionnaire, survey. Biological psychology. The structure of nervous system and functions. Perception: sensation, memory, attention. Emotions and motivation. Theories of development. Intelligence and its measurement. Learning. Theories of personality. The field of social psychology: attitudes, attribution, conformity, altruism, aggressiveness. Psychotherapy and abnormal psychology.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- has an overview of the main topics of the contemporary psychology;
- acquires a comprehension of the main principles of psychological functioning and its relationship with environmental factors;
- has a knowledge of the application of psychology;
- is able to analyses him/herself and her/his surrounding on the bases of principles of the discipline of psychology.
Dots. Kristjan kask, PhD
Study programmes containing that course
Swedish Philology (GRR3B/20.HT)
Art Education (KUKUB/15.FK)
Craft and Technology Education (KUTTB/15.LT)
Physical Education (TSKB/15.LT)
Philosophy (HIFIB/15.HT)
Advertising and Publicity Studies (KORMB/15.FK)
Liberal Arts in Humanities (KKLHB/15.HT)
English Language and Culture (GRIB/15.HT)
Education (KAPB/15.HR)
Youth Work (TPNR/15.HR)
Applied Computer Science (HKIFR/15.HK)
History (AIAJB/15.HT)
Integrated Natural Sciences (MLLB/15.LT)
Vocational Pedagogy (KAKPB/15.HR)
Handicraft Technology and Design (HKKDR/15.HK)
Mathematics, Mathematical Economics and Data Analysis (MLMB/15.DT)
Social Sciences (KKSB/15.YK)
Social Work (STSTB/15.YK)
Music (KUMUB/15.FK)
Special Education (KAEPB/15.HR)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/15.YK)
Recreation Management (TSRKB/15.LT)
Traffic Safety (HKLOR/15.HK)
Health Promotion Specialist (HKTJR/15.HK)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/15.YK)
Early Childhood Education (KAALB/15.HR)
Information Science (INITB/15.DT)
Sociology (RASLB/15.YK)
Psychology (PSPSB/15.LT)
Public Relations (KOSKB/15.FK)
Early Childhood Education (TPALB/14.HR)
English Language and Culture (GRIB/14.HT)
Handicraft Technology and Design (HKKDR/14.HK)
Education (KAPB/14.HR)
Psychology (PSPSB/14.LT)
Health Promotion Specialist (HKTJR/14.HK)
Advertising and Publicity Studies (KORMB/14.FK)
Art Education (KUKUB/14.FK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/14.YK)
Sociology (RASLB/14.YK)
History (AIAJB/14.HT)
Traffic Safety (HKLOR/14.HK)
Public Relations (KOSKB/14.FK)
Philosophy (HIFIB/14.HT)
Information Science (INITB/14.DT)
Music (KUMUB/14.FK)
Public and Business Management (RKHKB/14.YK)
Physical Education (TSKB/14.LT)
Special Education (KAEPB/14.HR)
Social Sciences (KKSB/14.YK)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/14.YK)
Liberal Arts in Humanities (KKLHB/14.HT)
Youth Work (TPNR/14.HR)
Craft and Technology Education (KUTTB/14.LT)
Vocational Pedagogy (KAKPB/14.HR)
Recreation Management (TSRKB/14.LT)
Social Work (STSTB/14.YK)
Early Childhood Education (KAALB/14.HR)
Mathematics, Mathematical Economics and Data Analysis (MLMB/14.DT)
Primary School Teacher (KAKLI/11.HR)
Social Sciences (KKSB/13.YK)
Physical Education (TSKB/13.LT)
Recreation Management (TSRKB/13.LT)
Social Work (STSTB/13.YK)
Vocational Pedagogy (KAKPB/13.HR)
Health Promotion Specialist (HKTJR/13.HK)
Primary School Teacher (HKKL/11.HR)
Music (KUMUB/13.FK)
Traffic Safety (HKLOR/13.HK)
English Language and Culture (GRIB/13.HT)
Psychology (PSPSB/13.LT)
Early Childhood Education (TPALB/13.HR)
Philosophy (HIFIB/13.HT)
Youth Work (TPNR/13.HR)
Liberal Arts in Humanities (KKLHB/13.HT)
Sociology (RASLB/13.YK)
Handicraft Technology and Design (HKKDR/13.HK)
History (AIAJB/13.HT)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/13.YK)
Special Education (KAEPB/13.HR)
Mathematics, Mathematical Economics and Data Analysis (MLMB/13.DT)
Information Science (INITB/13.DT)
Public Relations (KOSKB/13.FK)
Art Education (KUKUB/13.FK)
Early Childhood Education (KAALB/13.HR)
Advertising and Publicity Studies (KORMB/13.FK)
Craft and Technology Education (KUTTB/13.LT)
Education (KAPB/13.HR)
Primary School Teacher (KAKLI/10.HR)
Social Sciences (KKSB/12.YK)
Advertising and Publicity Studies (KORMB/12.FK)
Vocational Pedagogy (KAKPB/12.HR)
Philosophy (HIFIB/12.HT)
Psychology (PSPSB/12.LT)
Sociology (RASLB/12.YK)
Mathematics, Mathematical Economics and Data Analysis (MLMB/12.DT)
Information Science (INITB/12.DT)
Social Work (STSTB/12.YK)
Arts Therapies (KUKTB/12.LT)
Public Relations (KOSKB/12.FK)
Music (KUMUB/12.FK)
Special Education (KAEPB/12.HR)
Recreation Management (TSRKB/12.LT)
Early Childhood Education (KAALB/12.HR)
Traffic Safety (HKLOR/12.HK)
Health Promotion Specialist (HKTJR/12.HK)
Education (KAPB/12.HR)
Physical Education (TSKB/12.LT)
Craft and Technology Education (KUTTB/12.LT)
History (AIAJB/12.HT)
Art Education (KUKUB/12.FK)
English Language and Culture (GRIB/12.HT)
Liberal Arts in Humanities (KKLHB/12_1.HT)
Primary School Teacher (HKKL/10.HR)
Humanities (KKHB/12.HT)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/12_1.YK)
Handicraft Technology and Design (HKKDR/12.HK)
Environmental Management (MLKSB/11.LT)
Marketing (AKMRB/11.YK)
Special Education (KAEPB/11.HR)
Public and Business Management (RKHKB/11.YK)
Sociology (RASLB/11.YK)
Art Education (KUKUB/11.FK)
Advertising and Publicity Studies (KORMB/11.FK)
Physics (with Minor Field of Study) (MLFB/11.LT)
Social Work (STSTB/11.YK)
Law (AKOB/11.YK)
Theory of Culture (HIKTB/11.HT)
Early Childhood Education (KAALB/11.HR)
Adult Education (KAANB/11.HR)
Recreation Management (TSRKB/11.LT)
Social Sciences (KKSB/11_2.YK)
Primary School Teacher (HKKL/09.HR)
Health Promotion Specialist (HKTJR/11.HK)
Journalism (SKAMB/11.FK)
Handicraft and Home Economics (KUKKB/11.LT)
Information Science (INITB/11.DT)
Education (KAPB/11.HR)
Music (KUMUB/11.FK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/11.YK)
Traffic Safety (HKLOR/11.HK)
Choreography (KUKOB/11.FK)
Social Sciences (KKSB/11_1.YK)
Public Relations (KOSKB/11.FK)
Education (KAPB/11H.HR)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/11.YK)
Social Work (RKSTB/11.RK)
Marketing (AKMRB/12.YK)
Applied Computer Science (HKIFR/11.HK)
Psychology (PSPSB/11.LT)
Education (KAPB/11L.HR)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/11.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/11-1.YK)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/11_1.YK)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/11_2.YK)
Social Sciences (KKSB/11.YK)
Handicraft Technology and Design (HKKDR/11.HK)
Advertising and Publicity Studies (KORMB/11-T.FK)
Physical Education (TSKB/11.LT)
Sociology (RASLB/10.YK)
Information Science (INITB/10-1.DT)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/10.YK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/10.YK)
Handicraft and Home Economics (KUKKB/10.LT)
Journalism (SKAMB/10.FK)
Information Science (INITB/10.DT)
Social Work (STSTB/10.YK)
Physical Education (TSKB/10.LT)
Recreation Management (TSRKB/10.LT)
Applied Computer Science (HKIFR/10.HK)
Theory of Culture (HIKTB/10.HT)
Health Promotion Specialist (HKTJR/10.HK)
Social Sciences (KKSB/10_1.YK)
Traffic Safety (HKLOR/10.HK)
Handicraft Technology and Design (HKKDR/10.HK)
Social Work (RKSTB/10.RK)
Art Education (KUKUB/10.FK)
Physics (with Minor Field of Study) (MLFB/10.LT)
Early Childhood Education (KAALB/10.HR)
Special Education (KAEPB/10.HR)
Adult Education (KAANB/10.HR)
Film Arts (BFFVB/10.FK)
Choreography (KUKOB/10.FK)
Education (KAPB/10L.HR)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/10-1.YK)
Primary School Teacher (HKKL/08.HR)
Social Sciences (KKSB/10_2e.YK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/10-2.YK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/10-4.YK)
Social Sciences (KKSB/10.YK)
Journalism (SKAMB/10E.FK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/10-3.YK)
Education (KAPB/10H.HR)
Social Sciences (KKSB/10_2.YK)
Social Sciences (KKSB/10_1e.YK)
Advertising and Publicity Studies (KORMB/10-T.FK)
Advertising and Publicity Studies (KORMB/10.FK)
Psychology (PSPSB/10.LT)
Applied Computer Science (HKIFR/09.HK)
Social Work (STSTB/09.YK)
Art Education (KUKUB/09.FK)
Theory of Culture (HIKTB/09.HT)
Sociology (RASLB/09.YK)
Education (KAPB/09H.HR)
Physical Education (TSKB/09.LT)
Health Promotion Specialist (HKTJR/09.HK)
Traffic Safety (HKLOR/09.HK)
Recreation Management (TSRKB/09.LT)
Information Science (INITB/09.DT)
Primary School Teacher (HKKL/07.HR)
Education (KAPB/09.HR)
Education (KAPB/09L.HR)
Information Science (INITB/08.DT)
Sociology (RASLB/08.YK)
Biology (with Minor Field of Study) (MLBB/08.LT)
Music (KUMUB/08_2C.FK)
Health Promotion Specialist (HKTJR/08.HK)
Music (KUMUB/08.FK)
Art Education (KUKUB/08.FK)
Music (KUMUB/08_1A.FK)
Music (KUMUB/08_2B.FK)
Information Science (INITB/08-2.DT)
Adult Education (KAANB/09.HR)
Physical Education (TSKB/08.LT)
Recreation Management (TSRKB/08.LT)
Public and Business Management (HKHKB/08.HK)
Information Science (INITB/08-1.DT)
Music (KUMUB/08_2A.FK)
Primary School Teacher (HKKL/06.HR)
Applied Computer Science (HKIFR/08.HK)
Public and Business Management (HKHKB/07.HK)
Information Science (INITB/07.DT)
Sociology (RASLB/07.YK)
Primary School Teacher (HKKL/05/1.HR)
Social Work (STSTB/07.YK)
Applied Computer Science (HKIFR/07.HK)
Psychology (PSPSB/07.LT)
Art Education (KUKUB/07.FK)
Art Education (KUKUB/06.FK)
Public and Business Management (HKHKB/06.HK)
Information Science (INITB/06.DT)
Sociology (RASLB/06.YK)
Psychology (PSPSB/05.LT)
Information Science (INITB/05.DT)
Handicraft and Home Economics (KUKKB/00.LT)
Physical Education (TSKB/00.LT)
English Language and Culture (GRIB/00.HT)
Psychology (PSPSB/00.LT)