Study programme code
Study programme administrator
Benjamin Klasche
MER study programme code
version code
School / college
YK - School of Governance, Law and Society
Study programme title in Est.
Interdistsiplinaarsed sotsiaalteadused - Artes Liberales
study programme title in Engl.
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences
Language of instruction
Study level
Bachelor's studies
Study domain
Social Sciences, Journalism and Information
Study programme group
social sciences
Study programme subgroup
Social and behavioural sciences, not elsewhere classified
Nominal study period (in semesters)
Access conditions
Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Certificate of Vocational Secondary Education or a corresponding qualification giving access to higher education.
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Entrance exam: written letter of motivation and oral interview.
Proficiency of English language at B2 level is required.
Admission requirements for an applicant who has acquired secondary education in a foreign country: qualification of the foreign country corresponding to secondary education;
Entrance exam: written letter of motivation and oral interview.
Degrees conferred
sotsiaalteaduse bakalaureus
Study programme aims and objectives
- Facilitate extensive interdisciplinary knowledge in the field show more...
of the social sciences and formulate interdisciplinary thinking in order to put into professional practice the acquired knowledge and corresponding skills;
- Develop systematic cognition of the main concepts, theoretical grounds, research fields and methods of the social sciences;
- Integrate and teach students to associate knowledge in different fields of the social sciences;
- Develop the ability to navigate the literature of the social sciences and to evaluate it critically;
- Enable the student to continue studies at Master's level according to the curriculum choices (s)he has made or to work in positions which require extensive interdisciplinary social and specialist knowledge and skills (in the fields of information management, communication and public relations, political science, international relations and European studies, sociology and social policy, learning and social impact, hobby education and recreation management).
Learning outcomes of the study programme
- has acquired extensive interdisciplinary knowledge and skills show more...
in the field of the social sciences in accordance with the choices made within the curriculum (information management, communication and public relations, electronic media and communication, political sciences, international relations and European studies, sociology and social policy, learning and social impact, hobby education and recreation management)
- knows the theoretical basis of the field of the social sciences and the more important research fields and methods and can recognise interdisciplinary connections
- knows how to connect different knowledge of social fields and link theoretical knowledge to practical skills
- is able to independently collect interdisciplinary information in the field of the social sciences, interpret it in a critical and creative manner and defend his/her positions
- knows how to plan and conduct research and introduce research results
- knows how to determine the need for continuing studies and professional development
Graduation requirements
In order to graduate, the student shall complete the study programme in the given volume, show more...
which includes passing all compulsory courses and compiling and defending the Bachelor’s thesis or passing the Bachelor’s examination.
International students matriculated since Academic Year 2020/2021 must receive a positive result for course EKY6109.HT Estonian A1 and Estonian culture in order to fulfill the graduation requirements. The International student is a student without Estonian citizenship, long-term residence permit or permanent right of residence.
Study programme version structure:
Module type
total ECTS credits
introductory courses