Study programme code
Study programme administrator
Eha Rüütel
MER study programme code
School / college
LT - School of Natural Sciences and Health
Study programme title in Est.
study programme title in Engl.
Arts Therapies
Language of instruction
Study level
Bachelor's studies
Study domain
Health and Welfare
Study programme group
health care
Nominal study period (in semesters)
Access conditions
Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Certificate of Vocational Secondary Education or a corresponding qualification giving access to higher education;
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National examinations: Estonian language and a national exam at candidate’s preference, for graduates from schools with Russian as language of instruction at least 60 points for their national examination in the Estonian language;
Arts-related preparation (music school, art school, dance school, theatre school, etc);
Preferably experience of work with children, youth or adults.
Degrees conferred
terviseteaduse bakalaureus
Study programme aims and objectives
Provide opportunities for aquiring knowledge in functions of human organism, show more...
relationships between health and behaviour and Arts Therapies as way of intervention for promoting mental health and functional abilities;
Support the formation of systemic knowledge of theoretical foundations, application and research methods of arts therapies;
Enable the aquisition of necessary skills for intervention on the functional and recreational level in the frames of specialisation (music therapy, art therapy, dance and movement therapy, drama therapy) and preparation for the jobs requiring leading creative activities with groups in the institutions of health, social care and education;
Form preconditions for continuing the studies at Arts Therapies Master’s level to acquire professional skills of a therapist.
Learning outcomes of the study programme
- has knowledge of functioning of human organism, human development and personality show more...
- has knowledge of current approaches to health, is able to collect and analyse health related information and knows principles of first aid
- has knowledge of the theories and principles of therapeutic application of arts
- is able to use arts-based activities for health promotional and therapeutic purposes and assess the outcome
- is aware of professional and ethical requirements for therapeutic work, is able to analyse and critically evaluate one's professional activities
- is able to find information needed for research and practice from professional literature and critically analyse results of arts therapies research and application
- is able to communicate with different target groups and view arts therapies knowledge in a wider healthcare and socio-cultural context
- is able to recognise the need to continue studies and pursue professional development
Graduation requirements
180 ECTS (credit points)of which the general subjects are 16 CP, core subjects 128 CP, electives 24 CP and Bachelor's thesis 12 CP.
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In order to graduate, a student has to complete the curriculum, incl. compulsory subjects, internship, Bachelor’s thesis, etc. The curriculum prescribes as conditions for graduation: the knowledge of a foreign language at the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), the level of IT skills allowing to successfully study at university and for graduates from schools with Russian as the language of instruction, knowledge of the Estonian language at the C1 level of CEFR.
Study programme version structure:
Module type
total ECTS credits
MINOR FIELD OF STUDY MODULE: Music Therapy Basic Course
To create opportunities for the acquisition of an overview of the development and current trends of music therapy;
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To support the acquisition of the skills in communication through music.
Learning outcomes
- Knowledge about the background theories, principles and opportunities of therapeutic application of music;
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- Understanding of the connection between cognitive processes and behaviour;
- Ability to use music as a means of communication;
- Practical experience in music therapy.
Compulsory courses:
Course title
Course code
ECTS credits
MINOR FIELD OF STUDY MODULE: Teaching of Creativity
- To help understand the approaches of creativity and the influences of appearing creativity at the individual and a group level.
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- To create preconditions for the practical opportunities for the development of creativity in the different life domains.
- To create preconditions for understanding the natural environment as a source of creative self-realisation.
Learning outcomes
- Student can understand the approaches of creativity and the influences of appearing creativity at the individual and a group level.
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- Student can employ the technics of the development of creativity in the different life domains.
- Student can see and make sense of the nature as a source of coping and resource for creation.
Compulsory courses:
Course title
Course code
ECTS credits
MINOR FIELD OF STUDY MODULE: Visual Art Therapy basic Course
To create opportunities for the acquisition of an overview of the development of visual art therapy and its current trends;
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To support the acquisition of the skills in communicating through art.
Learning outcomes
- Knowledge about the background theories, principles and opportunities of therapeutic application of art;
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- Understanding of the connection between cognitive processes and behaviour;
- Ability to use art as a means of communication;
- Practical experience in visual art therapy.
Compulsory courses:
Course title
Course code
ECTS credits
Elective courses:
Course title
Course code
ECTS credits
Total: at least 4.0 ECTS credits