Study programme code
Study programme administrator
Tatjana Tamberg
MER study programme code
School / college
DT - School of Digital Technologies
Study programme title in Est.
Matemaatika, majandusmatemaatika ja andmeanalüüs
study programme title in Engl.
Mathematics, Mathematical Economics and Data Analysis
Language of instruction
Study level
Bachelor's studies
Study domain
Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics
Study programme group
mathematics and statistics
Study programme subgroup
Nominal study period (in semesters)
Access conditions
Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Certificate of Vocational Secondary Education or a corresponding qualification giving access to higher education.
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Mathematics state exam (wide or passed before 2014).
Admission exam.
Minimum level of proficiency of the Estonian language at B2 level according to the European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Degrees conferred
loodusteaduse bakalaureus
Study programme aims and objectives
- Creating opportunities for getting broad academic and applied education in the field of mathematics.
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- Developing the competence for working on a position which requires skills of applied mathematics and data analyzing.
- Developing students’ analytical capacity, critical thinking, team work skills, readiness for applying mathematical knowledge and skills in practice, ability to use special literature and databases.
- Helping to specify the learners’ needs for further studies.
- Helping the learner to develop a readiness for continuing studies in master’s level in mathematical economics and/or data analysis.
Learning outcomes of the study programme
- has systematic knowledge in mathematics, mathematical economics and/or data analysis show more...
- is able to apply theoretical knowledge and software tools for describing, modelling, simulating and analyzing real life situations
- has knowledge of more essential software solutions (inc. databases) and methods (inc. data analysis methods) applied in mathematics
- has knowledge of professional and ethical requirements for a mathematician
- knows Estonian and English terminology of one´s speciality, is able to communicate mathematical knowledge to non-mathematicians and to consider mathematical knowledge in a wider cultural context
- is able to use methods for self-studying, to plan one’s own career and to continue studies in master’s level
Graduation requirements
In order to graduate, the student shall complete the study programme in the given volume, show more...
which includes passing all compulsory courses and compiling and defending the Bachelor’s thesis. Students who have not graduated from upper secondary schools where Estonian is the language of instruction, or who have graduated from schools where Estonian is only partly the language of instruction, are required to have Estonian language proficiency at C1 level.
Study programme version structure:
Module type
total ECTS credits
- minor provides basic knowledge to teach mathematics as the show more...
second subject in lower secondary school
Learning outcomes
- basic knowledge in higher mathematics
- understanding of main concepts and methods of mathematics
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Compulsory courses:
Course title
Course code
ECTS credits
Elective courses:
Course title
Course code
ECTS credits
Total: at least 36.0 ECTS credits
MINOR FIELD OF STUDY MODULE: Mathematics for Economics
- to form knowledge about the theoretical bases of economical applications of mathematics
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- to facilitate the ability to apply mathematical methods in solving economical and financial problems.
Learning outcomes
- knowledge about economical applications of mathematics
- ability to apply mathematical methods to solve financial and economical problems.
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Compulsory courses:
Course title
Course code
ECTS credits