Discrete Mathematics
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Diskreetne matemaatika
Course title in English
Discrete Mathematics
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
Focus subject in the mathematics and computer science curricula. To teach students to follow the correctness of proofs, to introduce the main results of discrete mathematics and their applications, to create the bases for the acquisition of other mathematical and computer science subjects, in particular of discrete probability theory.
Brief description of the course
Elements of logic. Predicates and quantifiers. The main rules of logic. Methods of proof. Mathematical induction. Sets, set operations. Functions, relations and their properties. Cardinality of sets and enumerable sets. The basics of counting, inclusion-exclusion. Permutations and combinations, their generalisations. Binomial theorem and multinomial theorem. Discrete probability. Solving recurrent relations. Generating functions. Graph terminology. Representing graphs and graph isomorphisms. Connectivity of graphs, Euler and Hamilton paths. Planar graphs. Graph colouring. Trees. Applications of graphs.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- knows mathematical facts and is able to use methods in volume of a subject.
lekt Anna Šeletski
The course is a prerequisite
Study programmes containing that course
Mathematics, Mathematical Economics and Data Analysis (MLMB/15.DT)
Mathematics, Mathematical Economics and Data Analysis (MLMB/14.DT)
Environmental Management (MLKSB/13.LT)
Mathematics, Mathematical Economics and Data Analysis (MLMB/13.DT)
Geoecology (with Minor Field of Study) (MLGB/12.LT)
Environmental Management (MLKSB/12.LT)
Mathematics, Mathematical Economics and Data Analysis (MLMB/12.DT)
Physics (with Minor Field of Study) (MLFB/11.LT)
Applied Computer Science (HKIFR/11.HK)
Computer Science (IFIFB/11.DT)
Geoecology (with Minor Field of Study) (MLGB/11.LT)
Biology (with Minor Field of Study) (MLBB/11.LT)
Environmental Management (MLKSB/11.LT)
Mathematics, Mathematical Economics and Data Analysis (MLMB/11.DT)
Physics (with Minor Field of Study) (MLFB/10.LT)
Applied Computer Science (HKIFR/10.HK)
Environmental Management (MLKSB/10.LT)
Computer Science (IFIFB/10.DT)
Mathematics, Mathematical Economics and Data Analysis (MLMB/10.DT)
Geoecology (with Minor Field of Study) (MLGB/10.LT)
Biology (with Minor Field of Study) (MLBB/10.LT)
Biology (with Minor Field of Study) (MLBB/09.LT)
Mathematics, Mathematical Economics and Data Analysis (MLMB/09.DT)
Physics (with Minor Field of Study) (MLFB/09.LT)
Geoecology (with Minor Field of Study) (MLGB/09.LT)
Applied Computer Science (HKIFR/09.HK)
Environmental Management (MLKSB/09.LT)
Computer Science (IFIFB/09.DT)
Mathematics, Mathematical Economics and Data Analysis (MLMB/08.DT)
Physics (with Minor Field of Study) (MLFB/08.LT)
Biology (with Minor Field of Study) (MLBB/08.LT)
Computer Science (IFIFB/08.DT)
Applied Computer Science (HKIFR/08.HK)
Geoecology (with Minor Field of Study) (MLGB/08.LT)
Environmental Management (MLKSB/08.LT)
Applied Computer Science (HKIFR/07.HK)
Computer Science (IFIFB/00.DT)
Mathematics, Mathematical Economics and Data Analysis (MLMB/00.DT)
Geoecology (with Minor Field of Study) (MLGB/00.LT)