Society and Law
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Ühiskond ja õigus
Course title in English
Society and Law
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
- Introduce students to law as both a normative order and a social practice;
- Introduce students to the area of Public Law and to the basic institutions of Civil Law and their interrelationships with an emphasis on Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, European Union Law, Criminal Law, Procedural Law and to the basic principles of civil procedure;
- Develop the student’s ability to understand the linkages between the different branches of public and private law, introduce the basic knowledge and terminology that are needed for the understanding of modern Western legal cultures and use these arguments in the interpretation of legislation and in solving legal problems;
- Initiate students into legal science, i.e., the study of law and legal phenomena.
Brief description of the course
The course begins with a discussion of law as a normative order and progresses into a discussion of legal institutions and practices, law as a societal phenomenon and the discussion of the different legal systems (continental, common law, etc.) of the world.

The division between public law and private law, the basic principles of constitutional law, the central issues constitutional law and administrative law and discussed in detail. The student will acquire on overview of the basic constitutional rights, freedoms and responsibilities of individuals.

The system of civil law is an introduction into private law, the general concepts of private law, and sources of private law. Also discussed are civil law relationships, persons, passive and active legal capacity, transactions (general principles of conclusion of contracts and bases for the creation of contractual obligations), representation, general principles of protection of civil rights, calculation of terms and limitation period for an action.

A comparative overview of the court systems is given including the principles and basic understandings of different court proceedings. The structure of the court system is discussed in detai from the court of first instance, to appellate courts, and lastly, to the court of last resort.

Written assignments will be solved throughout the course.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- has an understanding of law’s basic functions in modern societies;
- has an understanding of the difference between different legal systems and the branches of law as well an overview of the system of public and private law and civil procedure;
- is mastered basic legal terminology and the ability to use the basic methods of implementing the law, its principles and basic concepts;
- knows how to use and apply the basic knowledge of public law and private law to analyze legal issues and solve legal cases and the student is able to find the information needed to develop positions on legal policy issues;
- is able to develop judicial training options.
eesti keeles: Aare Kruuser; inglise keeles: Massimo La Tore jt teised õiguse suuna õppejõud
Study programmes containing that course
Social Work (STSTB/24-t.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/24-o.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/24-t.YK)
Social Pedagogy (STSPB/24-t.YK)
Social Pedagogy (STSPB/24-o.YK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/24-o.YK)
Law (AKLB/24.YK)
Sociology (RASLB/24-t.YK)
History (AIAJB/24.HT)
Social Work (STSTB/24-o.YK)
Politics and Governance (RIPGB/24.YK)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/24.YK)
Law (AKOB/24-o.YK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/24-t.YK)
Sociology (RASLB/24-o.YK)
Law (AKLB/23-hel.YK)
Social Work (STSTB/23-o.YK)
Law (AKLB/23.YK)
Sociology (RASLB/23-o.YK )
Social Work (STSTB/23-t.YK)
Sociology (RASLB/23-t.YK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/23-t.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/23-o.YK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/23-o.YK)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/23.YK)
Politics and Governance (RIPGB/23.YK)
History (AIAJB/23.HT)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/23-t.YK)
Law (AKOB/23-o.YK)
Law (AKLB/22.YK)
Politics and Governance (RIPGB/22.YK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/22.YK)
Sociology (RASLB/22.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/22-o.YK)
History (AIAJB/22.HT)
Law (AKOB/22-t.YK)
Social Work (STSTB/22.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/22-t.YK)
Law (AKOB/22-o.YK)
Law (AKLB/22-hel.YK)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/22.YK)
Politics and Governance (RIPGB/21.YK)
Law (AKOB/21.YK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/21.YK)
Sociology (RASLB/21.YK)
Law (AKLB/21.YK)
Environmental Management (MLKSB/21.LT)
History (AIAJB/21.HT)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/21.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/21.YK)
Social Work (STSTB/21.YK)
Teacher of Computer Science (IFIOM/22.DT)
Law (AKLB/21-hel.YK)
History (AIAJB/20.HT)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/20.YK)
Law (AKOB/20.YK)
Politics and Governance (RIPGB/20.YK)
Teacher of Computer Science (IFIOM/21.DT)
Social Work (STSTB/20.YK)
Environmental Management (MLKSB/20.LT)
Law (AKLB/20.YK)
Sociology (RASLB/20.YK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/20.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/20.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/19.YK)
Law (AKLB/19.YK)
History (AIAJB/19.HT)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/19.YK)
Law (AKOB/19.YK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/19.YK)
Politics and Governance (RIPGB/19.YK)
Sociology (RASLB/19.YK)
Social Work (STSTB/19.YK)
Primary School Teacher (KAKLI/17.HR)
Environmental Management (MLKSB/19.LT)
Teacher of Computer Science (IFIOM/20.DT)
Politics and Governance (RIPGB/18.YK)
Law (AKOB/18.YK)
Law (AKLB/18.YK)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/18.YK)
Sociology (RASLB/18.YK)
Integrated Natural Sciences (MLLB/18.LT)
History (AIAJB/18.HT)
Social Work (STSTB/18.YK)
Teacher of Computer Science (IFIOM/19.DT)
Environmental Management (MLKSB/18.LT)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/18.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/18.YK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/17.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/17.YK)
Environmental Management (MLKSB/17.LT)
Integrated Natural Sciences (MLLB/17.LT)
Law (AKOB/17.YK)
History (AIAJB/17.HT)
Law (AKLB/17.YK)
Politics and Governance (RIPGB/17.YK)
Sociology (RASLB/17.YK)
Social Work (STSTB/17.YK)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/17.YK)
Sociology (RASLB/16.YK)
Law (AKLB/16.YK)
Social Work (STSTB/16.YK)
Environmental Management (MLKSB/16.LT)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/16.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/16.YK)
History (AIAJB/16.HT)
Politics and Governance (RIPGB/16.YK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/16.YK)
Law (AKOB/16.YK)
History (AIAJB/00.HT)