Study programme code
Study programme administrator
Mart Laanpere
MER study programme code
School / college
DT - School of Digital Technologies
Study programme title in Est.
study programme title in Engl.
Teacher of Computer Science
Language of instruction
Study level
Master's studies
Study programme group
teacher training and educational science
Study programme subgroup
Teacher training with subject specialisation
Nominal study period (in semesters)
Access conditions
Bachelor´s Degree, Diploma of Professional Higher Education or a corresponding qualification. show more...
The applicant should have sufficient ICT competences which are approved by the professional experience or previous studies in Bachelor´s or professional higher education level.
In order to choose the Core Subjects and Subject-specific Didactics of Mathematics in a Basic School, it is required that the candidate has completed at least 24 ECTS of courses according to the TLU Mathematics, Mathematical Economics and Data Analysis Bachelor´s programme or corresponding courses in higher mathemathics. Other elective modules do not have compulsory preconditions.
There are no compulsory preconditions for choosing the Educational Technology elective module.
In order to choose the Core Subjects and Subject-specific Didactics of Craft and Technology Education elective module, the candidate should pass the general technical knowledge test.
Admission exam: motivation letter, academic test and interview.
Degrees conferred
haridusteaduse magister (informaatikaõpetaja)
Study programme aims and objectives
- Create possibilities for acquiring a complete academic education in educational sciences and teacher training in the context of computer science teacher;
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- Enable to combine previous educational and professional experience with teaching of computer science in a personal and flexible way;
- Develop readiness to continue with studies, including doctoral studies.
Learning outcomes of the study programme
- knows educational, didactical and subject field related main concepts, theories and research methods; and evaluates critically their implementation show more...
- describes and analyses pedagogical processes and their influencing factors and is able to integrate computer science with various subjects
- plans and carries out lessons in computer science and one additional subject, designs learning environments with various educational technology applications, creates learning resources of computer science, instructs learners and supports their learning motivation
- is able to initiate and lead development activities in one´s subject areas and
involves different partners in doing teamwork
- analyses and reflects one´s professional activities and plans one´s further professional development, including doctoral studies
Graduation requirements
Õppekava täitmiseks peab üliõpilane läbima õppekava etteantud mahus, show more...
sh sooritama kohustuslikud õppeained, tõendama vastavust õpetaja (tase 7) kutsestandardile, ning koostama ja kaitsma magistritöö. Õpingute jooksul peab õppija läbima vähemalt ühe võõrkeelse aine. Üliõpilasel, kes ei ole lõpetanud eesti õppekeelega kooli või on lõpetanud osaliselt eesti õppekeelega kooli on vaja omandada eesti keele oskus C1-tasemel.
Study programme version structure:
Module type
total ECTS credits
teacher training courses