Academic Estonian and Terminology
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Eesti teaduskeel ja terminoloogia
Course title in English
Academic Estonian and Terminology
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Peep Nemvalts (language of instruction:Estonian)
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
To generate skills of precise and clear presentation of argumentation in Estonian academic text, analysing language for specific purposes; to develop skills of using specialised dictionaries and terminology lists. To present an overview of main concepts and tendencies in terminology science.
Brief description of the course
Estonian academic language as a tool of cognition and thinking, academic text as a text type. Features of academic texts. Structure of Estonian academic text. Definitions of concepts and use of exact termstock, incl. equivalents of foreign terms. Presenting research methods, analysis of material and results by means of syntactically appropriate, coherent and smoothly readable Estonian text.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- is able to produce smooth Estonian academic texts in his/her discipline and can critically handle sources of the terminology
- knows main principles of functional academic Estonian and is able to systematically use purposeful terms in academic texts within his/her discipline
- can describe main tendencies of terminological development and analyse meaningful use of the termstock; s/he is able to find answers in appropriate linguistic and terminological sources and can provide argumentation of his/her views
Peep Nemvalts
Study programmes containing that course
Audiovisual Arts and Media Studies (BFMAD/24.FK)
Psychology (PSPSD/24.LT)
Sociology (RASLD/24.YK)
Linguistics (EKLND/24.HT)
Health Behaviour and Wellbeing (TSTD/24.LT)
Studies of Cultures (HIKUD/24.HT)
Information Society Technologies (IFITD/23.DT)
Psychology (PSPSD/23.LT)
Sociology (RASLD/23.YK)
Educational Sciences (KAKTD/23.HR)
Audiovisual Arts and Media Studies (BFMAD/23.FK)
Health Behaviour and Wellbeing (TSTD/23.LT)
History (AIAJD/24.HT)
Linguistics (EKLND/23.HT)
History (AIAJD/23.HT)
Demography (DIDD/23.YK)
Studies of Cultures (HIKUD/23.HT)
Audiovisual Arts and Media Studies (BFMAD/22.FK)
Demography (DIDD/22.YK)
Educational Sciences (KAKTD/22.HR)
Sociology (RASLD/22.YK)
Linguistics (EKLND/22.HT)
History (AIAJD/22.HT)
Information Society Technologies (IFITD/22.DT)
Studies of Cultures (HIKUD/22.HT)
History (AIAJD/21.HT)
Educational Sciences (KAKTD/21.HR)
Linguistics (EKLND/21.HT)
Studies of Cultures (HIKUD/21.HT)
Audiovisual Arts and Media Studies (BFMAD/21.FK)
Sociology (RASLD/21.YK)
Demography (DIDD/21.YK)
Psychology (PSPSD/21.LT)
Information Society Technologies (IFITD/21.DT)
Health Behaviour and Wellbeing (TSTD/21.LT)
Information Society Technologies (IFITD/20.DT)
Demography (DIDD/20.YK)
Psychology (PSPSD/20.LT)
Health Behaviour and Wellbeing (TSTD/20.LT)
Audiovisual Arts and Media Studies (BFMAD/20.FK)
History (AIAJD/20.HT)
Studies of Cultures (HIKUD/20.HT)
Linguistics (EKLND/20.HT)
Ecology (MLECD/20.LT)
Analytical Biochemistry (MLBKD/20.LT)
Sociology (RASLD/20.YK)
Educational Sciences (KAKTD/20.HR)
Ecology (MLECD/19.LT)
Audiovisual Arts and Media Studies (BFMAD/19.FK)
Sociology (RASLD/19.YK)
Psychology (PSPSD/19.LT)
Analytical Biochemistry (MLBKD/19.LT)
Demography (DIDD/19.YK)
Health Behaviour and Wellbeing (TSTD/19.LT)
Studies of Cultures (HIKUD/19.HT)
Linguistics (EKLND/19.HT)
Educational Sciences (KAKTD/19.HR)
Information Society Technologies (IFITD/19.DT)
History (AIAJD/19.HT)
Demography (DIDD/18.YK)
Audiovisual Arts and Media Studies (BFMAD/18.FK)
Educational Sciences (KAKTD/18.HR)
Psychology (PSPSD/18.LT)
Linguistics (EKLND/18.HT)
Analytical Biochemistry (MLBKD/18.LT)
Information Society Technologies (IFITD/18.DT)
Health Behaviour and Wellbeing (TSTD/18.LT)
History (AIAJD/18.HT)
Studies of Cultures (HIKUD/18.HT)
Sociology (RASLD/18.YK)
Ecology (MLECD/18.LT)
Physics (MLFD/18.LT)
Sociology (RASLD/17.YK)
Physics (MLFD/17.LT)
Health Behaviour and Wellbeing (TSTD/17.LT)
Demography (DIDD/17.YK)
Studies of Cultures (HIKUD/17.HT)
History (AIAJD/17.HT)
Analytical Biochemistry (MLBKD/17.LT)
Psychology (PSPSD/17.LT)
Educational Sciences (KAKTD/17.HR)
Ecology (MLECD/17.LT)
Linguistics (EKLND/17.HT)
Demography (DIDD/16.YK)
Sociology (RASLD/16.YK)
Linguistics (EKLND/16.HT)
Physics (MLFD/16.LT)
Educational Sciences (KAKTD/16.HR)
Analytical Biochemistry (MLBKD/16.LT)
Studies of Cultures (HIKUD/16.HT)
History (AIAJD/16.HT)
Ecology (MLECD/16.LT)
Psychology (PSPSD/16.LT)
Health Behaviour and Wellbeing (TSTD/16.LT)
Studies of Cultures (EKKUD/15.HT)
History (AIAJD/15.HT)
Demography (DIDD/15.YK)
Studies of Cultures (HIKUD/15.HT)
Government and Politics (RIRPD/15.YK)
Information and Communication Science (KOIND/14.FK)
Studies of Cultures (GRKUD/14.HT)
Information and Communication Science (ININD/14.DT)
Studies of Cultures (HIKUD/14.HT)
Government and Politics (RIRPD/14.YK)
Physics (MLFD/14.LT)
Studies of Cultures (SKKUD/14.HT)
History (AIAJD/14.HT)
Studies of Cultures (EKKUD/14.HT)
Demography (DIDD/14.YK)
Information and Communication Science (KOIND/13.FK)
Demography (DIDD/13.YK)
Physics (MLFD/13.LT)
Studies of Cultures (GRKUD/13.HT)
Government and Politics (RIRPD/13.YK)
Information and Communication Science (ININD/13.DT)
Studies of Cultures (SKKUD/13.HT)
History (AIAJD/13.HT)
Studies of Cultures (HIKUD/13.HT)
Studies of Cultures (EKKUD/13.HT)
Studies of Cultures (HIKUD/12.HT)
Studies of Cultures (SKKUD/12.HT)
Information and Communication Science (ININD/12.DT)
History (AIAJD/12.HT)
Government and Politics (RIRPD/12.YK)
Information and Communication Science (KOIND/12.FK)
Social Work (STSTD/12.YK)
Demography (DIDD/12.YK)
Physics (MLFD/12.LT)
Ecology (MLECD/11.LT)
Ecology (MLECD/10.LT)