Study programme code
Study programme administrator
Daniele Monticelli
MER study programme code
School / college
HT - School of Humanities
Study programme title in Est.
Kultuuride uuringud
study programme title in Engl.
Studies of Cultures
Language of instruction
Estonian, English
Study level
Doctoral studies
doktoriõppe valdkond
Study domain
Arts and Humanities
Study programme group
languages and cultures
Study programme subgroup
Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving arts and humanities
Nominal study period (in semesters)
Access conditions
Master's degree in humanities or an equivalent; doctoral proposal and admission interview. show more...
English C1 level.
Degrees conferred
filosoofiadoktor (kultuuride uuringud)
Study programme aims and objectives
The PhD programme for Studies of Cultures at Tallinn University provides an opportunity for extensive Doctoral studies, show more...
ranging from the theory of culture to research in a number of important branches of Estonian culture, world culture and the arts. The curriculum is implemented through the following specialist areas: Cultural Theory, Estonian Literature and Culture, English Literature and Culture, German Literature and Culture, Romance Studies, Russian Literature and Culture, Asian Studies, Cultural Geography, Philosophy, Social and Cultural Anthropology, and the Theory of Arts.
The curriculum considers it important to accentuate the place of literatures (i.e. literary culture) within general cultural studies based on the specific academic nature of Tallinn University. Specialisation disciplines under the Doctoral studies curriculum provide a wide range of opportunities for the development of interdisciplinary contact areas, thus creating a functional environment for the entire curriculum as a synergetic ethnic whole.
Learning outcomes of the study programme
- is able to set and solve research questions and inititate research projects show more...
- is able to orientate in the problems and methods of cultural science
- is able to exposit one's research orally and in writing
- is able to communicate one's knowledge and skills through teaching and supervising
- is able to introduce specific professional knowledge on a broarder scale of culture and society, is able to participate in societal discussions and influence processes of social decision-making
Graduation requirements
To complete the curriculum, the PhD candidate must complete 60 ECTS from study modules, show more...
and defend a dissertation (180 ECTS). Additional requirements (e.g publications) may be set by the TU regulations for doctoral studies.
Starting with the admission of 2024, the requirement is 12 ECTS of general subjects, 18 ECTS of core subjects of specialisation and 210 ECTS of research and development activities (incl. the thesis 130 ECTS). Additional requirements (e.g publications) may be set by the TU regulations for doctoral studies.
Study programme version structure:
Module type
total ECTS credits