Study programme code
Study programme administrator
Ruth Shimmo
MER study programme code
School / college
LT - School of Natural Sciences and Health
Study programme title in Est.
Analüütiline biokeemia
study programme title in Engl.
Analytical Biochemistry
Language of instruction
Estonian, English
Study level
Doctoral studies
doktoriõppe valdkond
Natural Sciences
Study domain
Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics
Study programme group
life sciences
Study programme subgroup
Nominal study period (in semesters)
Access conditions
Master degree or an equivalent level of academic education in show more...
Natural or in Exact Sciences
Degrees conferred
filosoofiadoktor (analüütiline biokeemia)
Study programme aims and objectives
- To provide the doctoral students with conditions that enable them to aquire a broad-based, show more...
systematic and profound education in analytical chemistry and biochemistry and to carry out independent research meeting internationally recognized standards;
- To promote the development of the doctoral students into highly-qualified lecturers, researchers and specialists providing for sustainable development in the field.
Learning outcomes of the study programme
- has broad-based and systematic knowledge of analytical biochemistry and profound knowledge in the specific field of research show more...
- is able of independent and critical analysis of specialty specific problems, as well as of stating research questions with scientific precision
- is able to evaluate his/her as well as other people’s actions in the light of science ethics. Understands the possibilities and limitations of science, its role in community as well as the responsibility of scientists in applications of the research results.
- is able to plan research projects and use modern methods of research and data analysis
- is capable of testing the theoretical hypothesis and evaluating the results in the context of accepted theories
- is capable of presenting research results both to specialists in the field and to public at large
- is competent to impart learning results by teaching and supervising
- is able to be the leader of a work group
- understands the need for continuing education and professional development
Graduation requirements
To complete the program the student should go through the entire curriculum, show more...
including defense of a doctoral thesis.
Study programme version structure:
Module type
total ECTS credits