Study programme code
Study programme administrator
Karsten Brüggemann
MER study programme code
School / college
HT - School of Humanities
Study programme title in Est.
study programme title in Engl.
Language of instruction
Estonian, English
Study level
Doctoral studies
doktoriõppe valdkond
Study domain
Arts and Humanities
Study programme group
Study programme subgroup
History and archaeology
Nominal study period (in semesters)
Access conditions
Magistrikraad or an equivalent level of academic education.
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English C1 level.
Degrees conferred
filosoofiadoktor (ajalugu)
Study programme aims and objectives
- To develop highly qualified scholars, teachers and leading specialists-officials in the fields of History, Art History and Archaeology;
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- To shape tolerant and broadly educated leading specialists who are able to discuss issues of contemporary society;
- To enable the acquisition of deep knowledge concerning narrower problems around the topic of the PhD thesis.
Learning outcomes of the study programme
- displays a thorough knowledge and systematic overview of the directions, show more...
methods and theories of historical research, and issues of relevant methodology and has the ability to use them in research
- has ability to analyse research projects critically and to assess the relevance of research strategies and methods
- has ability to raise research problems, to use modern methods, to plan and organise scholarly work in one's own field (and in an international setting). Ability to work in a team
- has ability to take part in public discussions, to differentiate between scholarly knowledge and ideological standpoints and to present their scholarly results with the help of argument
- has ability to present results of research in their own field's scientific community and defend them in public discussions (and in an international setting)
- has ability to circulate field-related knowledge and organise field-related teaching, to supervise and direct the independent research work of students. Ability to critically analyse and assess results of the teaching process and give clear feedback.
Graduation requirements
240 credits (ECTS) of which the doctoral thesis is 180 credits (ECTS).
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Starting with the admittance in 2024, 240 ECTS of wich the doctoral thesis is 130 ECTS.
Study programme version structure:
Module type
total ECTS credits