Study programme code
Study programme administrator
Leen Rahnu
MER study programme code
School / college
YK - School of Governance, Law and Society
Study programme title in Est.
study programme title in Engl.
Language of instruction
Estonian, English
Study level
Doctoral studies
doktoriõppe valdkond
Social Sciences
Study domain
Social Sciences, Journalism and Information
Study programme group
social sciences
Study programme subgroup
Sociology and cultural studies
Nominal study period (in semesters)
Access conditions
MA degree or adequate qualification. Individual research and scientific publication gives important advantage. show more...
Experience of participation in intertnaional projects is recommended. Canditates need to submit the project of doctoral thesis and pass entrance exam.
Degrees conferred
filosoofiadoktor (demograafia)
Study programme aims and objectives
The doctoral curriculum in demography is an open curriculum.
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The aims of a curriculum are:
- Create possibilities for acquiring profound knowledge on the field of demography;
- Create conditions for achieving professionalism in conducting individual research at international level;
- Create possibilities for students with MA or equivalent qualification to acquire high level scientific experience on the field of demography that would enable them to continue as researchers or teachers and assure the sustainability of the field;
- Provide comprehensive knowledge on demography to fill various positions of highly qualified specialists in the areas where population related competence is required in public sector, primarily in education, healthcare, or culture departments both on state and county level.
Learning outcomes of the study programme
- is able to address relevant issues in society within the context of population development show more...
- has orientation in contemporary approaches of scientific methodology
- is able to plan and conduct research using field-specific research tools and analytical methods
- is able to create scientific texts at internationally acceptable level, critically analyse scientific work, and present valid arguments in debates
- is able to work in international team
Graduation requirements
Fulfill the requirements of curriculum and defend doctoral thesis. show more...
PhD student must have at least three scientific publications already published or accepted to publishing and at least three papers presented at international scientific conferences/seminars, preferably arranged by EAPS or IUSSP.
Study programme version structure:
Module type
total ECTS credits