Basics of European Union
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Euroopa Liidu põhikursus
Course title in English
Basics of European Union
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
The aim of the course is to give a systematic overview of the formation of the EU, the objective and subjective facts having determined that. To offer a basic knowledge of the principles of the EU institutions set-up, procedures, the decision-making process and the main policy subjects, also of EU enlargement, Estonian integration to the EU and the problems arising from that. Passing the subject will help students understand conditional circumstances of Estonia’s entering into the EU and the consequences of that to Estonian domestic decision-making process, political, economic life and civil society.
Brief description of the course
European integration since the WW II and the creation of EU. Aims of the EU. Institutional regulation and principles of operating (including the basics of the legal system, treaties and the decision making process). The course covers the main fields of EU policies: economic, regional, social, environmental, educational and common agricultural, foreign and security policies. EU enlargement and accession negotiations. Estonian integration into the EU.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- learns the formulation process and historic development of European Union;
- has the notion of transnational/supranational European Union. Understanding the institutions and institutional system of European Union, knowledge and understanding of main policy fields of European Union and the understanding the position of Estonia as a member of European Union.
Catlyn Kirna
Study programmes containing that course
Politics and Government (RIRIB/23-o.YK)
Politics and Governance (RIPGB/23.YK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/23-t.YK)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/23.YK)
History (AIAJB/23.HT)
History (AIAJB/22.HT)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/22.YK)
Politics and Governance (RIPGB/22.YK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/22.YK)
Politics and Governance (RIPGB/21.YK)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/21.YK)
History (AIAJB/21.HT)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/21.YK)
Politics and Governance (RIPGB/20.YK)
History (AIAJB/20.HT)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/20.YK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/20.YK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/19.YK)
Primary School Teacher (KAKLI/17.HR)
Politics and Governance (RIPGB/19.YK)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/19.YK)
History (AIAJB/19.HT)
Politics and Governance (RIPGB/18.YK)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/18.YK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/18.YK)
History (AIAJB/18.HT)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/17.YK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/17.YK)
History (AIAJB/17.HT)
Politics and Governance (RIPGB/17.YK)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/16.YK)
Politics and Governance (RIPGB/16.YK)
History (AIAJB/16.HT)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/16.YK)
Psychology (PSPSB/15.LT)
Sociology (RASLB/15.YK)
Information Science (INITB/15.DT)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/15.YK)
Philosophy (HIFIB/15.HT)
History (AIAJB/15.HT)
English Language and Culture (GRIB/15.HT)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/15.YK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/15.YK)
Psychology (PSPSB/14.LT)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/14.YK)
Sociology (RASLB/14.YK)
History (AIAJB/14.HT)
Philosophy (HIFIB/14.HT)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/14.YK)
Information Science (INITB/14.DT)
Public and Business Management (RKHKB/14.YK)
Journalism (KOAB/14.FK)
English Language and Culture (GRIB/14.HT)
Journalism (KOAB/13.FK)
Psychology (PSPSB/13.LT)
Information Science (INITB/13.DT)
Public and Business Management (RKHKB/13.YK)
English Language and Culture (GRIB/13.HT)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/13.YK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/13.YK)
Sociology (RASLB/13.YK)
History (AIAJB/13.HT)
Philosophy (HIFIB/13.HT)
Public and Business Management (RKHKB/12.YK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/12.YK)
Philosophy (HIFIB/12.HT)
Journalism (KOAB/12.FK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/12.YK)
Sociology (RASLB/12.YK)
German Language and Culture (GRSB/12.HT)
English Language and Culture (GRIB/12.HT)
Information Science (INITB/12.DT)
History (AIAJB/12.HT)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/11-1.YK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/11.YK)
History (AIAJB/11.HT)
Psychology (PSPSB/11.LT)
Public Relations (KOSKB/11.FK)
Choreography (KUKOB/11.FK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/11.YK)
Information Science (INITB/11.DT)
Law (AKOB/11.YK)
Advertising and Publicity Studies (KORMB/11.FK)
Sociology (RASLB/11.YK)
Public and Business Management (RKHKB/11.YK)
Marketing (AKMRB/11.YK)
Environmental Management (MLKSB/11.LT)
Advertising and Publicity Studies (KORMB/11-T.FK)
Humanities (KKHB/11.HT)
Film Arts (BFFVB/10.FK)
History (AIAJB/00.HT)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/00.YK)
English Language and Culture (GRIB/00.HT)