Mathematics in Practice
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Praktiline matemaatika
Course title in English
Mathematics in Practice
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Jüri Kurvits (language of instruction:Estonian)
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
To develop basic skills for understanding the most important mathematical methods in economics, social and life sciences. General subject and core subject of the program "Mathematics in Economics ".
Brief description of the course
Sources and types of data, tabulation and graphical presentation of data, relations. Exponential growth. Interests, time value of money, loans. Equations and matrix manipulation. Optimization problems. Least squares fitting in data analysis. Linear programming problems. Basic ideas of probability, probability distributions. Normal distribution.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- knows mathematical facts and is able to use methods in volume of a subject.
lektor Jüri Kurvits
Study programmes containing that course
Computer Science (IFIFB/24.DT)
Applied Computer Science (HKIFR/24.HK)
Computer Science (IFIFB/23.DT)
Applied Computer Science (HKIFR/23.HK)
Computer Science (IFIFB/22.DT)
Applied Computer Science (HKIFR/22.HK)
Applied Computer Science (HKIFR/21.HK)
Computer Science (IFIFB/21.DT)
Applied Computer Science (HKIFR/20.HK)
Swedish Philology (GRR3B/20.HT)
Computer Science (IFIFB/20.DT)
Applied Computer Science (HKIFR/19.HK)
Computer Science (IFIFB/19.DT)
Applied Computer Science (HKIFR/18.HK)
Computer Science (IFIFB/18.DT)
Applied Computer Science (HKIFR/17.HK)
Computer Science (IFIFB/17.DT)
Applied Computer Science (HKIFR/16.HK)
Computer Science (IFIFB/15.DT)
Integrated Natural Sciences (MLLB/15.LT)
Psychology (PSPSB/15.LT)
Philosophy (HIFIB/15.HT)
Mathematics, Mathematical Economics and Data Analysis (MLMB/15.DT)
Applied Computer Science (HKIFR/15.HK)
Craft and Technology Education (KUTTB/15.LT)
History (AIAJB/15.HT)
History (AIAJB/14.HT)
Psychology (PSPSB/14.LT)
Geoecology (with Minor Field of Study) (MLGB/14.LT)
Mathematics, Mathematical Economics and Data Analysis (MLMB/14.DT)
Philosophy (HIFIB/14.HT)
Physics (with Minor Field of Study) (MLFB/14.LT)
Geoecology (with Minor Field of Study) (MLGB/15.LT)
Applied Computer Science (HKIFR/14.HK)
Computer Science (IFIFB/14.DT)
History (AIAJB/13.HT)
Applied Computer Science (HKIFR/13.HK)
Geoecology (with Minor Field of Study) (MLGB/13.LT)
Mathematics, Mathematical Economics and Data Analysis (MLMB/13.DT)
Computer Science (IFIFB/13.DT)
Psychology (PSPSB/13.LT)
Physics (with Minor Field of Study) (MLFB/13.LT)
Philosophy (HIFIB/13.HT)
Physics (with Minor Field of Study) (MLFB/12.LT)
History (AIAJB/12.HT)
Philosophy (HIFIB/12.HT)
Mathematics, Mathematical Economics and Data Analysis (MLMB/12.DT)
Computer Science (IFIFB/12.DT)
Geoecology (with Minor Field of Study) (MLGB/12.LT)
Applied Computer Science (HKIFR/12.HK)
Geoecology (with Minor Field of Study) (MLGB/11.LT)
Mathematics, Mathematical Economics and Data Analysis (MLMB/11.DT)
Geoecology (with Minor Field of Study) (MLGB/10.LT)
Film Arts (BFFVB/10.FK)
Mathematics, Mathematical Economics and Data Analysis (MLMB/10.DT)
Geoecology (with Minor Field of Study) (MLGB/09.LT)
Mathematics, Mathematical Economics and Data Analysis (MLMB/09.DT)
Mathematics, Mathematical Economics and Data Analysis (MLMB/08.DT)
Geoecology (with Minor Field of Study) (MLGB/08.LT)
Geoecology (with Minor Field of Study) (MLGB/00.LT)