Study programme code
Study programme administrator
Kaija Käärt
MER study programme code
School / college
LT - School of Natural Sciences and Health
Study programme title in Est.
Geoökoloogia (kõrvalerialaga)
study programme title in Engl.
Geoecology (with Minor Field of Study)
Language of instruction
Study level
Bachelor's studies
Study domain
Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics
Study programme group
life sciences
Study programme subgroup
Environmental sciences
Nominal study period (in semesters)
Access conditions
Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Certificate of Vocational Secondary Education or a corresponding qualification giving access to higher education.
Degrees conferred
loodusteaduse bakalaureus
Study programme aims and objectives
To create opportunities for understanding general spatial and temporal concepts of natural systems;
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To create prerequisites for independent research and proceeding studies at the master's level;
To develop skills for working in research institutions, public and private companies and municipal authorities (in the area of landscape ecology, environmental geochemistry, nature and environment protection, climatology).
Learning outcomes of the study programme
- knows the basic concepts and theoretical basis of natural sciences show more...
- is able to understand the dynamics of natural processes, to analyze contemporary global problems and the impact of human activity to them
- is able to orientate in special scientific literature and to find information independently
- is able to find the most suitable method, according the knowledge gained, to resolve environmental problems and to put them into practice
- is able to express him/herself in writing and orally and is capable of doing research in natural science
- is able to use analytical and critical thinking for resolving environmental problems and making social decisions
Graduation requirements
Student must pass all the courses stipulated by the curriculum, and defend a final thesis.
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In addition, the curriculum establishes the following conditions: computer literacy needed for university studies; knowledge of one foreign language on level B2; Estonian language proficiency at C1 level for students with Russian-language pre-university education.
Study programme version structure:
Module type
total ECTS credits
Second speciality module for the students of other specialities.
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Provide an overview of the system of geosciences, modern understanding of the birth and development of the Earth, and related processes.
Support the understanding of the environment as a whole and acquisition of practical skills.
Support the development of consistent worldview, ability to address global problems scientifically.
Support the acquisition of basic knowledge necessary for a basic-school geography teacher.
Learning outcomes
Knowledge of the systematic construction of the Earth and the hierarchy of systems.
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Ability to perceive geodiversity and value thereof in accordance with landscape protection and maintenance.
Ability to evaluate and scientifically analyse the factors impacting on the environment in different situations.
Principal knowledge of the factors impacting geodiversity and the regularities of their time-space development and skills in presenting such knowledge and generalisations of literature materials in writing (term papers, research papers, and the like).
Ability to analyse the theoretical starting points of human geography and skills in using basic methods of geological research, to delimit and describe landscape.
Compulsory courses:
Course title
Course code
ECTS credits
approximate amount of contact lessons
Teaching semester
Elective courses:
Course title
Course code
ECTS credits
approximate amount of contact lessons
Teaching semester
Total: at least 17.0 ECTS credits