Social Problems Today
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Tänapäeva sotsiaalprobleemid
Course title in English
Social Problems Today
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
To treat different perspectives to social problems, cause-and-effect links, and the possibilities of alleviation.
Brief description of the course
Definition of a social problem. Social problems on time axis. Regional differences within social problems. Social problems at macro- and microlevel. Cause-and-effect relationship of a social problem. Society-centred and individual-centred approaches to social problems. A social problem: objectivist and constructivist approach.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- has knowledge of different theoretical approaches to social problems;
- knowledge and skills to identify social problems in the society, to differentiate between the objectivist and constructivist approach;
- has knowledge and skills to see cause-and-effect relationships of a social problem and to find possibilities to alleviate the problem.

Aino Kiis, MA
Study programmes containing that course
Primary School Teacher (KAKLI/14.HR)
Primary School Teacher (HKKL/13.HR)
Psychology (PSPSB/15.LT)
Philosophy (HIFIB/15.HT)
Education (KAPB/15.HR)
Youth Work (TPNR/15.HR)
History (AIAJB/15.HT)
Integrated Natural Sciences (MLLB/15.LT)
Vocational Pedagogy (KAKPB/15.HR)
Social Work (STSTB/15.YK)
Special Education (KAEPB/15.HR)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/15.YK)
Recreation Management (TSRKB/15.LT)
Traffic Safety (HKLOR/15.HK)
Health Promotion Specialist (HKTJR/15.HK)
Primary School Teacher (KAKLI/13.HR)
Information Science (INITB/15.DT)
Sociology (RASLB/15.YK)
Physical Education (TSKB/15.LT)
Primary School Teacher (KAKLI/12.HR)
Social Work (STSTB/14.YK)
Psychology (PSPSB/14.LT)
Health Promotion Specialist (HKTJR/14.HK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/14.YK)
Sociology (RASLB/14.YK)
History (AIAJB/14.HT)
Traffic Safety (HKLOR/14.HK)
Philosophy (HIFIB/14.HT)
Information Science (INITB/14.DT)
Physical Education (TSKB/14.LT)
Special Education (KAEPB/14.HR)
Film Arts (BFFVB/14.FK)
Youth Work (TPNR/14.HR)
Vocational Pedagogy (KAKPB/14.HR)
Recreation Management (TSRKB/14.LT)
Primary School Teacher (HKKL/12.HR)
Physical Education (TSKB/13.LT)
Recreation Management (TSRKB/13.LT)
Social Work (STSTB/13.YK)
Vocational Pedagogy (KAKPB/13.HR)
Health Promotion Specialist (HKTJR/13.HK)
Traffic Safety (HKLOR/13.HK)
Information Science (INITB/13.DT)
Philosophy (HIFIB/13.HT)
Youth Work (TPNR/13.HR)
Sociology (RASLB/13.YK)
History (AIAJB/13.HT)
Special Education (KAEPB/13.HR)
Psychology (PSPSB/13.LT)
Vocational Pedagogy (KAKPB/12.HR)
History (AIAJB/12.HT)
Philosophy (HIFIB/12.HT)
Psychology (PSPSB/12.LT)
Sociology (RASLB/12.YK)
German Language and Culture (GRSB/12.HT)
Information Science (INITB/12.DT)
Social Work (STSTB/12.YK)
Arts Therapies (KUKTB/12.LT)
Special Education (KAEPB/12.HR)
Recreation Management (TSRKB/12.LT)
Health Promotion Specialist (HKTJR/12.HK)
Physical Education (TSKB/12.LT)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/12.YK)
Liberal Arts in Humanities (KKLHB/12.HT)
Environmental Management (MLKSB/11.LT)
Physical Education (TSKB/11.LT)
Arts Therapies (KUKTB/11.LT)
Adult Education (KAANB/11.HR)
Recreation Management (TSRKB/11.LT)
Social Sciences (KKSB/11_2.YK)
Health Promotion Specialist (HKTJR/11.HK)
Choreography (KUKOB/11.FK)
Social Sciences (KKSB/11_1.YK)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/11.YK)
History (AIAJB/11.HT)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/11_1.YK)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/11_2.YK)
Social Sciences (KKSB/11.YK)
Social Work (STSTB/11.YK)
Social Work (STSTB/10.YK)
Physical Education (TSKB/10.LT)
Recreation Management (TSRKB/10.LT)
History (AIAJB/10.HT)
Arts Therapies (KUKTB/10.LT)
Health Promotion Specialist (HKTJR/10.HK)
Social Sciences (KKSB/10_1.YK)
Adult Education (KAANB/10.HR)
Film Arts (BFFVB/10.FK)
Choreography (KUKOB/10.FK)
Social Sciences (KKSB/10_2e.YK)
Social Sciences (KKSB/10.YK)
Social Sciences (KKSB/10_2.YK)
Social Sciences (KKSB/10_1e.YK)
Arts Therapies (KUKTB/09.LT)
Health Promotion Specialist (HKTJR/09.HK)
Social Work (STSTB/09.YK)
History (AIAJB/09.HT)
Recreation Management (TSRKB/09.LT)
Adult Education (KAANB/09.HR)
History (AIAJB/08.HT)
Arts Therapies (KUKTB/08.LT)
Recreation Management (TSRKB/08.LT)
Health Promotion Specialist (HKTJR/08.HK)
History (AIAJB/07.HT)
Arts Therapies (KUKTB/07.LT)
Social Work (STSTB/07.YK)
History (AIAJB/06.HT)
History (AIAJB/05.HT)
History (AIAJB/04.HT)
History (AIAJB/00.HT)
Psychology (PSPSB/00.LT)
Arts Therapies (KUKTB/00.LT)
Physical Education (TSKB/00.LT)