Study programme code
Study programme administrator
Liina Viiret
MER study programme code
School / college
HK - Haapsalu College
Study programme title in Est.
study programme title in Engl.
Health Promotion Specialist
Language of instruction
Study level
Professional Higher Education studies
Study domain
Health and Welfare
Study programme group
social services
Study programme subgroup
Social work and counselling
Nominal study period (in semesters)
Access conditions
Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Certificate of Vocational Secondary Education or a corresponding qualification giving access to higher education;
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entrance examination.
Degrees conferred
rakenduskõrgharidusõppe diplom, sotsiaalteaduse bakalaureus
Study programme aims and objectives
To ensure health promotion specialists receive an education that enables them to successfully work in the fields of public health and social work.
Learning outcomes of the study programme
- is aware of the theoretical and methodological basics of the social, mental and physical factors that affect human health and well-being show more...
- has basic communication, managerial and teamwork skills and is able to initiate cooperation between different sectors in order to solve public health problems
- knows the current public health problems and is able to analyse and evaluate the appropriate strategies and methods to solve them
- knows the possibilities of civil society and participation levels in health politics, is able to shape the health behaviour of different target groups
- has competences for working in the field of the health counseling on the basis of the recommendations of evidence-health management, promotion and disease prevention
- understands the importance of his/her own professional development and life-long learning
Graduation requirements
In order to graduate, the student shall complete the study programme in the given volume, show more...
which includes passing all compulsory courses and compiling and defending the final portfolio. Students who have not graduated from upper secondary schools where Estonian is the language of instruction, or who have graduated from schools where Estonian is only partly the language of instruction, are required to have Estonian language proficiency at C1 level.
As an additional requirement for students is the foreign language proficiency according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages shall correspond to B2 level, and it is recommended to pass at least one subject in English and their computer skills shall be sufficient for university studies.
Study programme version structure:
Module type
total ECTS credits