Basic Teaching Practice I
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Õpetajakoolituse praktika I
Course title in English
Basic Teaching Practice I
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
Create prerequisites for combining knowledge from educational sciences and subject didactics with the actual school environment. To support the transformation of analytical skills of pedagogical situations and learning environment to planning and carrying out the learning process. To support the development of professional and subject specific knowledge and preparedness to put their knowledge into practice in the school environment. To support the development of a teacher´s professional identity.
Brief description of the course
The organisation and content of Basic Teaching Practice I is connected to educational science subjects KAT7031.HR, KAT7032.HR and studies in subject didactics. Practice takes place on six days during the autumn semester in Tallinn University partner schools and practice institutions connected to the university. Integrated tasks are given and their analysis will take place in subjects KAT7031.HR, KAT7032.HR and subject didactics. During the Basic Teaching Practice I, the student will practice skills acquired in educational science and subject didactics courses.
Teaching practice tasks focus on the following topics:
1. Creating a learning environment, which supports the social, emotional and cognitive development of the learner.
2. Planning, implementing and analysing different parts of the learning process deriving from the school´s curriculum.
In course of one practice day, the activities will take place during 4- 8 hours (36 hours in total during the teaching practice). In course of the teaching practice, the student will carry out different observation tasks and small-scale practical tasks. On the basis of lesson observations and carried out tasks, the student will analyse the organistion of the observed lessons, actions of the teacher and how these affect the student, their own actions, and, if possible, their fellow students, based on their practice tasks and student involvement in the lessons. Feedback and the analysis of theory and practice is done in the educational science and subject didactics courses following the practice days. Seminars (total 4 hours) are held at the beginning and end of the teaching practice. Practice organisation and tasks are introduced in the framework of subjects KAT7031:HR, KAT7032.HR and subject didactics.
Students will receive practice tasks electronically through eDidaktikum.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- observes and analyses the teacher's actions in shaping an emotionally supportive and inclusive learning environment and in managing social and emotional processes (including group processes) in the learning and educational process, the students' activities and cognitive processes in class, linking the results of the analysis to the knowledge of supporting the development of both subject and generic competences. learners;
- observes and analyses the learning environment in the school, the different tasks and activities of the teacher in planning and conducting lessons, linking the results of the analysis to the theoretical knowledge acquired in educational science and subject didactics subjects;
- plans a lesson or part of a lesson in cooperation with a supervising teacher or a fellow student and conducts it independently or in cooperation and analyses the results.
The course is a prerequisite
Study programmes containing that course
Teacher of Several Subjects (KAMOM/24.HR)
Teacher of Computer Science (IFIOM/24.DT)
Teacher of Russian Language and Literature (SKVOM/24.HT)
Teacher of Physical Education (TSKOM/24.LT)
Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature (EKEOM/24.HT)
Teacher of History and Civic (AIAOM/24.HT)
Teacher of Foreign Languages (GRVOM/24.HT)
Teacher of History and Civic (AIAOM/23.HT)
Teacher of Computer Science (IFIOM/23.DT)
Teacher of Physical Education (TSKOM/23.LT)
Teacher of Several Subjects (KAMOM/23.HR)
Teacher of Foreign Languages (GRVOM/23.HT)
Teacher of Russian Language and Literature (SKVOM/23.HT)
Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature (EKEOM/23.HT)
Teacher of Several Subjects (KAMOM/22.HR)
Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature (EKEOM/22.HT)
Teacher of Russian Language and Literature (SKVOM/22.HT)
Teacher of Physical Education (TSKOM/22.LT)
Teacher of History and Civic (AIAOM/22.HT)
Teacher of Foreign Languages (GRVOM/22.HT)
Teacher of Computer Science (IFIOM/22.DT)
Teacher of Several Subjects (KAMOM/21.HR)
Teacher of Physical Education (TSKOM/21.LT)
Teacher of Foreign Languages (GRVOM/21.HT)
Teacher of Russian Language and Literature (SKVOM/21.HT)
Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature (EKEOM/21.HT)
Teacher of History and Civic (AIAOM/21.HT)
Teacher of Computer Science (IFIOM/21.DT)
Teacher of Several Subjects (KAMOM/20.HR)
Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature (EKEOM/20.HT)
Teacher of Foreign Languages (GRVOM/20.HT)
Teacher of Russian Language and Literature (SKVOM/20.HT)
Teacher of History and Civic (AIAOM/20.HT)
Teacher of Computer Science (IFIOM/20.DT)
Teacher of Physical Education (TSKOM/20.LT)
Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature (EKEOM/19.HT)
Teacher of Computer Science (IFIOM/19.DT)
Teacher of Russian Language and Literature (SKVOM/19.HT)
Teacher of Foreign Languages (GRVOM/19.HT)
Teacher of Physical Education (TSKOM/19.LT)
Teacher of History and Civic (AIAOM/19.HT)
Teacher of Several Subjects (KAMOM/19.HR)
Teacher of Computer Science (IFIOM/18.DT)
Teacher of Physical Education (TSKOM/18.LT)
Teacher of Several Subjects (KAMOM/18.HR)
Teacher of Russian Language and Literature (SKVOM/18.HT)
Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature (EKEOM/18.HT)
Teacher of Foreign Languages (GRVOM/18.HT)
Teacher of History and Civic (AIAOM/18.HT)
Teacher of Foreign Languages (GRVOM/17.HT)
Teacher of Physical Education (TSKOM/17.LT)
Teacher of Russian Language and Literature (SKVOM/17.HT)
Teacher of History and Civic (AIAOM/17.HT)
Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature (EKEOM/17.HT)
Teacher of Several Subjects (KAMOM/17.HR)
Teacher of Russian Language and Literature (SKVOM/16.HT)
Teacher of Physical Education (TSKOM/16.LT)
Teacher of History and Civic (AIAOM/16.HT)
Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature (EKEOM/16.HT)
Teacher of Several Subjects (KAMOM/16.HR)
Teacher of Foreign Languages (GRVOM/16.HT)