Research Methodology
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Course title in English
Research Methodology
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
The course aims to create an opportunity to broaden one's knowledge on research methods needed for the doctoral thesis.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- understands the principles of different research methods.
Katrin Niglas
Additional information
Kontakttundides osalemine on väga soovitav, kuid lubatud on ka täiesti iseseisev aine omandamine eeldusel, et õppija osaleb sissejuhatavas seminaris, kus tutvustatakse aine sooritamise nõudeid ning registreerib end Moodle keskkonnas vastavale kursusele ning töötab läbi kursuse materjalid ja kirjanduse vastavalt programmile.
Need kuulajad, kes osalevad vähem kui kolmes seminaris seminaridest 3-7, peavad eksamile pääsemise eeldusena esitama KAKS kirjalikku ülevaadet IGAKS puudutud seminariks lugeda olnud artiklite kohta.
Study programmes containing that course
Social Work (STSTD/24.YK)
Sociology (RASLD/24.YK)
Demography (DIDD/23.YK)
Social Work (STSTD/23.YK)
Sociology (RASLD/23.YK)
Educational Sciences (KAKTD/23.HR)
Information Society Technologies (IFITD/23.DT)
Educational Sciences (KAKTD/22.HR)
Social Work (STSTD/22.YK)
Sociology (RASLD/22.YK)
Information Society Technologies (IFITD/22.DT)
Demography (DIDD/22.YK)
Demography (DIDD/21.YK)
Educational Sciences (KAKTD/21.HR)
Social Work (STSTD/21.YK)
Sociology (RASLD/21.YK)
Information Society Technologies (IFITD/21.DT)
Sociology (RASLD/20.YK)
Demography (DIDD/20.YK)
Educational Sciences (KAKTD/20.HR)
Social Work (STSTD/20.YK)
Information Society Technologies (IFITD/20.DT)
Health Behaviour and Wellbeing (TSTD/19.LT)
Educational Sciences (KAKTD/19.HR)
Information Society Technologies (IFITD/19.DT)
Social Work (STSTD/19.YK)
Sociology (RASLD/19.YK)
Demography (DIDD/19.YK)
Sociology (RASLD/18.YK)
Information Society Technologies (IFITD/18.DT)
Demography (DIDD/18.YK)
Health Behaviour and Wellbeing (TSTD/18.LT)
Social Work (STSTD/18.YK)
Educational Sciences (KAKTD/18.HR)
Demography (DIDD/17.YK)
Information Society Technologies (IFITD/17.DT)
Educational Sciences (KAKTD/17.HR)
Health Behaviour and Wellbeing (TSTD/17.LT)
Sociology (RASLD/17.YK)
Social Work (STSTD/17.YK)
Health Behaviour and Wellbeing (TSTD/16.LT)
Sociology (RASLD/16.YK)
Educational Sciences (KAKTD/16.HR)
Information Society Technologies (IFITD/16.DT)
Demography (DIDD/16.YK)
Social Work (STSTD/16.YK)
Sociology (RASLD/15.YK)
Educational Sciences (KAKTD/15.HR)
Social Work (STSTD/15.YK)
History (AIAJD/15.HT)
Information Society Technologies (IFITD/15.DT)
Demography (DIDD/15.YK)
Demography (DIDD/14.YK)
Educational Sciences (KAKTD/14.HR)
History (AIAJD/14.HT)
Social Work (STSTD/14.YK)
Information Society Technologies (IFITD/14.DT)
Sociology (RASLD/14.YK)
Information Society Technologies (IFITD/13.DT)
Educational Sciences (KAKTD/13.HR)
Demography (DIDD/13.YK)
Social Work (STSTD/13.YK)
Sociology (RASLD/13.YK)
History (AIAJD/13.HT)
Social Work (STSTD/12.YK)
Information Society Technologies (IFITD/12.DT)
Demography (DIDD/12.YK)
Educational Sciences (KAKTD/12.HR)
Sociology (RASLD/12.YK)
History (AIAJD/12.HT)
Philosophy (HIFID/11.HT)
Information Society Technologies (IFITD/11.DT)
History (AIAJD/11.HT)
Educational Sciences (KAKTD/11.HR)
Social Work (STSTD/11.YK)
Information Society Technologies (IFITD/10.DT)
Social Work (STSTD/10.YK)
Educational Sciences (KAKTD/10.HR)
History (AIAJD/10.HT)
Philosophy (HIFID/10.HT)
Educational Sciences (KAKTD/09.HR)