Learning Analytics – Data to Support Learnng and Teaching
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Õpianalüütika – andmed õppimise ja õpetamise toetamisel
Course title in English
Learning Analytics – Data to Support Learnng and Teaching
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Kairit Tammets (language of instruction:Estonian)
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
The aim of the course is to provide an overview of learning analytics and its application possibilities, and to support students' basic skills in planning and implementing learning analytics.
Brief description of the course
Exploratory learner and teacher. Change management. Theoretical frameworks and research directions of learning analytics. Trends and application possibilities of learning analytics in school, university, workplace in the context of learning. Possibilities of learning analytics in analyzing and improving learning and teaching. Possibilities and methods of data collection, analysis, visualization and interpretation. Ethics and privacy in the application of learning analytics. Technical solutions of learning analytics.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- has an overview of the basic concepts and theoretical approaches of learning analytics;
- raises research questions to be solved with the application of learning analytics and chooses suitable methods for solving them;
- uses technical solutions of learning analytics in collecting, analyzing and interpreting different types of information.
Kairit Tammets, PhD; Kaire Kollom
Additional information
This course is a part of acquiring the teacher, level 7 elective competence Implementing digital pedagogy during the studies.
Study programmes containing that course
Primary School Teacher (KAKLI/23.HR)
Educational Sciences (KAKTM/25.HR)
Primary School Teacher (KAKLI/22.HR)
Primary School Teacher (KAKLI/21.HR)
Science Teacher (MLGLM/24.LT)
Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature (EKEOM/23.HT)
Science Teacher (MLGLM/23.LT)
Early Childhood Education (KAALM/23.HR)
Teacher of Russian Language and Literature (SKVOM/23.HT)
Primary School Teacher (KAKLI/20.HR)
Teacher of Foreign Languages (GRVOM/23.HT)
Teacher of Several Subjects (KAMOM/23.HR)
Teacher of History and Civic (AIAOM/23.HT)
Teacher of Technology Education (KUIKM/23.LT)
Teacher of Computer Science (IFIOM/23.DT)
Teacher of Mathematics (MLMOM/23.DT)
Teacher of Physical Education (TSKOM/23.LT)
Teacher of Mathematics (MLMOM/22.DT)
Teacher of Computer Science (IFIOM/22.DT)
Teacher of History and Civic (AIAOM/22.HT)
Science Teacher (MLGLM/22.LT)
Teacher of Physical Education (TSKOM/22.LT)
Teacher of Technology Education (KUIKM/22.LT)
Early Childhood Education (KAALM/22.HR)
Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature (EKEOM/22.HT)
Teacher of Russian Language and Literature (SKVOM/22.HT)
Teacher of Foreign Languages (GRVOM/22.HT)
Teacher of Several Subjects (KAMOM/22.HR)
Teacher of Russian Language and Literature (SKVOM/21.HT)
Early Childhood Education (KAALM/21.HR)
Teacher of Several Subjects (KAMOM/21.HR)
Teacher of Computer Science (IFIOM/21.DT)
Teacher of Technology Education (KUIKM/21.LT)
Teacher of Physical Education (TSKOM/21.LT)
Teacher of Foreign Languages (GRVOM/21.HT)
Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature (EKEOM/21.HT)
Teacher of History and Civic (AIAOM/21.HT)
Science Teacher (MLGLM/21.LT)
Teacher of Mathematics (MLMOM/21.DT)
Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature (EKEOM/20.HT)
Science Teacher (MLGLM/20.LT)
Early Childhood Education (KAALM/20.HR)
Teacher of Russian Language and Literature (SKVOM/20.HT)
Teacher of Foreign Languages (GRVOM/20.HT)
Teacher of Computer Science (IFIOM/20.DT)
Teacher of History and Civic (AIAOM/20.HT)
Teacher of Mathematics (MLMOM/20.DT)
Teacher of Several Subjects (KAMOM/20.HR)
Teacher of Physical Education (TSKOM/20.LT)
Teacher of Russian Language and Literature (SKVOM/19.HT)
Teacher of Physical Education (TSKOM/19.LT)
Teacher of Computer Science (IFIOM/19.DT)
Vocational Teacher (KAKPM/19.HR)
Teacher of Foreign Languages (GRVOM/19.HT)
Teacher of Technology Education (KUIKM/19.LT)
Science Teacher (MLGLM/19.LT)
Teacher of Several Subjects (KAMOM/19.HR)
Teacher of History and Civic (AIAOM/19.HT)
Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature (EKEOM/19.HT)
Teacher of Mathematics (MLMOM/19.DT)