Thinking Skills for Sustainable Development
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Jätkusuutliku mõtlemise toetamine
Course title in English
Thinking Skills for Sustainable Development
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2025/2026 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
Create opportunities:
- to support the acquisition of systemic knowledge about the fundamentals of ecology, its basic concepts, principles and processes and the role of humans in the environment and the interrelationships and feedback mechanisms of ecosystems and social systems;
- to support the ability to acquire, process and interpret adequate information about global and local environmental crises and exceeding the tolerance limits of the Earth, the analysis and enforcement of appropriate solutions at different levels (individual and society; technological, ecological, educational) and the formation/support of permanent behavioral patterns based on them, thus providing inputs to the National to furnish the overarching theme "Environment and sustainable development";
- to support the understanding of nature's self-worth as a way of thinking about the future when understanding the topic of nature's benefits;
- to support the development of thinking and conceptual structure and metacognitive skills related to thinking, and to integrate ecological knowledge and knowledge about the development of thinking in everyday studies supporting environmental awareness as a general competence;
- interpret self-regulation and motivation knowledge (including self-determination theory) in the context of environmentally conscious behaviors.
Brief description of the course
The subject covers key ecological concepts and approaches, such as ecological levels and organizations, ecological factors, population regulations, positive and negative feedback mechanisms in population dynamics, complex systems and cycles, adaptation and evolution, evolution, species relationships, matter and energy cycles. All the topics covered are linked to social processes and human activities through practical examples. It also addresses the role of man in ecosystems, man as part of the ecosystem, and opens the background to conflict situations that have led to global environmental problems and the need for a concept of sustainable development in society. For all ecological concepts, the common / misconception of why they have developed and how to support conceptual development in these concepts is purposefully analyzed. The nature of the language-mediated environment, the development of thinking and the role of spoken mediation in the creation of a unique environment for people are discussed; the meaning of language as a way of perceiving the environment, including the importance of the development of concepts and linguistic mediation in the context and example of the emergence, understanding and solution of environmental problems. Behaviors related to the human environment are understood in relation to self-regulatory knowledge and self-determination theory.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- recognizes living and non-living nature as a self-organizing integrated system;
- recognizes man as a biological being as part of a complete ecosystem;
- is able to explain the feedback mechanisms existing in the environment and the interactions between the ecosystem and human activities;
- understands the peculiarities of the language mediated environment;
- recognizes the role of thinking and the development of thinking operations in the development of a unique environment (and its problems) for people;
- analyzes the concepts of ecology from different levels of development of thinking and is able to design learning situations that support conceptual development, including the ability to teach a topic running through the National Curriculum “Environment and Sustainable Development”;
- makes sense of environmental problems in the context of knowledge in the field of self-regulation and motivation.
Mihkel Kangur, Grete Arro
Study programmes containing that course
Early Childhood Education (KAALM/25.HR)
Teacher of Foreign Languages (GRVOM/25.HT)
Educational Leadership (KAHJM/25-O.HR)
Educational Sciences (KAKTM/25-o.HR)
Educational Leadership (KAHJM/25.HR)
Educational Sciences (KAKTM/25.HR)
Adult Education (KAANM/25-o.HR)
Adult Education (KAANM/25.HR)
Teacher of Mathematics (MLMOM/24.DT)
Teacher of Several Subjects (KAMOM/24.HR)
Teacher of Foreign Languages (GRVOM/24.HT)
Teacher of Computer Science (IFIOM/24.DT)
Adult Education (KAANM/24.HR)
Teacher of Physical Education (TSKOM/24.LT)
Teacher of Technology Education (KUIKM/24-o.LT)
Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature (EKEOM/24.HT)
Teacher of History and Civic (AIAOM/24.HT)
Early Childhood Education (KAALM/24.HR)
Science Teacher (MLGLM/24.LT)
Educational Leadership (KAHJM/24.HR)
Teacher of Russian Language and Literature (SKVOM/24.HT)
Teacher of Technology Education (KUIKM/23.LT)
Science Teacher (MLGLM/23.LT)
Teacher of Russian Language and Literature (SKVOM/23.HT)
Teacher of Mathematics (MLMOM/23.DT)
Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature (EKEOM/23.HT)
Teacher of Several Subjects (KAMOM/23.HR)
Teacher of History and Civic (AIAOM/23.HT)
Teacher of Computer Science (IFIOM/23.DT)
Educational Leadership (KAHJM/23.HR)
Teacher of Physical Education (TSKOM/23.LT)
Teacher of Foreign Languages (GRVOM/23.HT)
Early Childhood Education (KAALM/23.HR)
Adult Education (KAANM/23.HR)
Teacher of Physical Education (TSKOM/22.LT)
Science Teacher (MLGLM/22.LT)
Teacher of History and Civic (AIAOM/22.HT)
Teacher of Computer Science (IFIOM/22.DT)
Teacher of Foreign Languages (GRVOM/22.HT)
Teacher of Russian Language and Literature (SKVOM/22.HT)
Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature (EKEOM/22.HT)
Teacher of Mathematics (MLMOM/22.DT)
Teacher of Technology Education (KUIKM/22.LT)
Teacher of Several Subjects (KAMOM/22.HR)
Teacher of Several Subjects (KAMOM/21.HR)
Teacher of Computer Science (IFIOM/21.DT)
Teacher of Mathematics (MLMOM/21.DT)
Science Teacher (MLGLM/21.LT)
Teacher of History and Civic (AIAOM/21.HT)
Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature (EKEOM/21.HT)
Teacher of Russian Language and Literature (SKVOM/21.HT)
Teacher of Foreign Languages (GRVOM/21.HT)
Teacher of Technology Education (KUIKM/21.LT)
Teacher of Physical Education (TSKOM/21.LT)
Teacher of Russian Language and Literature (SKVOM/20.HT)
Teacher of Computer Science (IFIOM/20.DT)
Teacher of Physical Education (TSKOM/20.LT)
Teacher of Mathematics (MLMOM/20.DT)
Teacher of Foreign Languages (GRVOM/20.HT)
Teacher of Several Subjects (KAMOM/20.HR)
Science Teacher (MLGLM/20.LT)
Teacher of History and Civic (AIAOM/20.HT)
Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature (EKEOM/20.HT)
Teacher of Foreign Languages (GRVOM/19.HT)
Teacher of Russian Language and Literature (SKVOM/19.HT)
Teacher of Computer Science (IFIOM/19.DT)
Vocational Teacher (KAKPM/19.HR)
Teacher of Several Subjects (KAMOM/19.HR)
Science Teacher (MLGLM/19.LT)
Teacher of Physical Education (TSKOM/19.LT)
Teacher of Mathematics (MLMOM/19.DT)
Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature (EKEOM/19.HT)
Teacher of Technology Education (KUIKM/19.LT)
Teacher of History and Civic (AIAOM/19.HT)