Emotional and Social Aspects of Learning
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Õppimise emotsionaalsed ja sotsiaalsed aspektid
Course title in English
Emotional and Social Aspects of Learning
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
The purpose of the course is:
to form an understanding of the influence and responsibility of the teacher in leading social and emotional processes in the learning and educational process.
to support thinking about the meaning of the teacher's role as a group leader and an influence in group processes.
to form an understanding of the possibilities of preventing crisis situations and to support the development of readiness for cooperative intervention.
Brief description of the course
Ways of becoming a teacher, stages of professional development and factors that influence professional development. Charting personal developmental needs and formulating development tasks. Teachers' beliefs and attitudes, their role and influence on learning.
Emotions and communication. Reflection and thinking about oneself.
The school as an organisation – school climate, values.
Managing feelings, self-management. Self-management, social competence, the competence for self-awareness. Communication training.
Group processes, their management.
Acting in crisis situations.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- recognises his/her responsibility as a student studying to become a teacher, understands and is able to analyse the role of his/her previous experiences, attitudes and values in studying and developing into a teacher and in shaping the studying and teaching culture in school in the context of lifelong learning;
- notices his/her own and others' emotional states and takes responsibility for his/her physical, mental and emotional well-being;
- is aware of his/her responsibility in shaping an emotionally supportive and inclusive learning environment;
- is aware of the importance of a group as a prerequisite for learning and is able to support the formation of a cooperative group.
- understands, is able to use and reflects on the influence of communication skills (incl. active listening, assertiveness, conflict management, obstacles to communication, social perception, presentation skills and communication in different groups) on interpersonal communication and group processes;
- notices and is aware of crisis prevention possibilities and is ready for cooperative intervention.
Study programmes containing that course
Teacher of Technology Education (KUIKM/18.LT)
Science Teacher (MLGLM/18.LT)
Teacher of Physical Education (TSKOM/18.LT)
Teacher of Foreign Languages (GRVOM/18.HT)
Vocational Teacher (KAKPM/18.HR)
Music Teacher (KUMUM/18.FK)
Teacher of History and Civic (AIAOM/18.HT)
Teacher of Russian Language and Literature (SKVOM/18.HT)
Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature (EKEOM/18.HT)
Teacher of Several Subjects (KAMOM/18.HR)
Teacher of Computer Science (IFIOM/18.DT)
Art Teacher (KUKAM/18.FK)
Teacher of Mathematics (MLMOM/18.DT)
Teacher of Mathematics (MLMOM/17.DT)
Teacher of Russian Language and Literature (SKVOM/17.HT)
Teacher of Technology Education (KUIKM/17.LT)
Science Teacher (MLGLM/17.LT)
Vocational Teacher (KAKPM/17.HR)
Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature (EKEOM/17.HT)
Teacher of Foreign Languages (GRVOM/17.HT)
Teacher of History and Civic (AIAOM/17.HT)
Teacher of Several Subjects (KAMOM/17.HR)
Teacher of Physical Education (TSKOM/17.LT)
Music Teacher (KUMUM/17.FK)
Art Teacher (KUKAM/17.FK)
Teacher of Foreign Languages (GRVOM/16.HT)
Teacher of Handicraft and Home Economics (KUKKM/16.LT)
Music Teacher (KUMUM/16.FK)
Teacher of History and Civic (AIAOM/16.HT)
Art Teacher (KUKAM/16.FK)
Teacher of Mathematics (MLMOM/16.DT)
Teacher of Several Subjects (KAMOM/16.HR)
Science Teacher (MLGLM/16.LT)
Teacher of Physical Education (TSKOM/16.LT)
Vocational Teacher (KAKPM/16.HR)
Teacher of Craft and Technology Education (KUTOM/16.LT)
Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature (EKEOM/16.HT)
Teacher of Russian Language and Literature (SKVOM/16.HT)