Personality and Social Psychology in Organisations
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Isiksuse- ja sotsiaalpsühholoogia organisatsioonis
Course title in English
Personality and Social Psychology in Organisations
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Aleksander Pulver (language of instruction:Estonian)
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
Create the preconditions for acquiring knowledge of the main scientific approaches to personality and social psychology to understand the principles of organizational behavior and functioning.
Brief description of the course
Paradigms of psychology. Concepts of psychology of personality. Academic and practical intelligence. Self-appraisal and the concept of self. Emotions and emotional regulation. Relationships and their models. Cooperation and conflicts. Social perception and group. Culture and values.
Independent work: written report of 6 pages.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
-- knows the main theories of personality and social psychology;
- knows about applying the theories of psychology in areas of organizational behavior and organizational functioning.
prof Aleksander Pulver
Study programmes containing that course
Information Technology Management (DTITM/25.DT)
Organizational Behavior (PSOKM/24-o.LT)
Management of Information Technology (IFITM/24.DT)
Management of Information Technology (IFITM/23.DT)
Organizational Behavior (PSOKM/23.LT)
Organizational Behavior (PSOKM/22.LT)
Management of Information Technology (IFITM/22.DT)
Recreation Management (TSRKM/21.LT)
Management of Information Technology (IFITM/21.DT)
Organizational Behavior (PSOKM/21.LT)
Organizational Behavior (PSOKM/20.LT)
Management of Information Technology (IFITM/20.DT)
Management of Information Technology (IFITM/19.DT)
Recreation Management (TSRKM/19.LT)
Organizational Behavior (PSOKM/19.LT)
Recreation Management (TSRKM/18.LT)
Management of Information Technology (IFITM/18.DT)
Organizational Behavior (PSOKM/18.LT)
Organizational Behavior (PSOKM/17.LT)
Management of Information Technology (IFITM/17.DT)
Recreation Management (TSRKM/17.LT)
Management of Information Technology (IFITM/16.DT)
Organizational Behavior (PSOKM/16.LT)
Recreation Management (TSRKM/16.LT)
Organizational Behavior (PSOKM/15.LT)
Educational Sciences (KAKTM/15.HR)
Educational Leadership (KAHJM/15.HR)
Adult Education (KAANM/15.HR)
Management of Information Technology (IFITM/15.DT)
Organizational Behavior (PSOKM/14.LT)
Educational Sciences (KAKTM/14.HR)
Management of Information Technology (IFITM/14.DT)
Educational Leadership (KAHJM/14.HR)
Adult Education (KAANM/14.HR)
Organizational Behavior (PSOKM/13.LT)
Educational Leadership (KAHJM/13.HR)
Vocational Teacher (KAKOM/13.HR)
Management of Information Technology (IFITM/13.DT)
Educational Sciences (KAKTM/13.HR)
Adult Education (KAANM/13.HR)
Management of Information Technology (IFITM/12.DT)
Organizational Behavior (PSOKM/12.LT)
Educational Leadership (KAHJM/12.HR)
Educational Sciences (KAKTM/12.HR)
Vocational Teacher (KAKOM/12.HR)
Adult Education (KAANM/12.HR)
Organizational Behavior (PSOKM/11.LT)
Educational Leadership (KAHJM/11.HR)
Adult Education (KAANM/11.HR)
Educational Sciences (KAKTM/11.HR)
Management of Information Technology (IFITM/11.DT)
Educational Leadership (KAHJM/10.HR)
Adult Education (KAANM/10.HR)
Management of Information Technology (IFITM/10.DT)
Organizational Behavior (PSOKM/10.LT)
Educational Sciences (KAKTM/10.HR)
Educational Sciences (KAKTM/09.HR)
Management of Information Technology (IFITM/09.DT)
Educational Leadership (KAHJM/08.HR)
Management of Information Technology (IFITM/08.DT)
Educational Sciences (KAKTM/08.HR)
Educational Leadership (KAHJM/04.HR)