Teaching Methods in Biology and Environmental Education II
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Bioloogia ja keskkonnaõpetuse õpetamise metoodika II
Course title in English
Teaching Methods in Biology and Environmental Education II
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2023/2024 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
Teachers´ basic training. The completion of the course provides the student with skills to plan, conduct and reflects upon his/her teaching activities and to use contemporary didactic methods, learning materials, assessment and evaluation in biology teaching and environmental education in the secondary school level. Valuing practical activities to implement an inquiry learning in educational practice.
Brief description of the course
Overview of the main biology` themes in the National Curriculum for the secondary education. Review of contemporary study and illustrative materials, techniques, methods, principles of evaluation and assessment in the secondary school level. The course focuses on the designing of the learning environment. Students will get an overview of interdisciplinary aspects; obtain the skills for teaching integrated themes, to involve the using of models, information technology and inquiry learning in the study process. Acquisition of the techniques for motivating high school students for learning biology and professions connected with biology; didactic principles for planning, conducting and analysing the biology lessons in the secondary school.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- knows the teaching objectives, learning activities, and learning outcomes, teaching materials of upper-secondary school biology and environmental studies;
- is able to develop the students' scientific-technological and environmental literacy, creative and critical thinking;
- is able to select the suitable study forms, methods and teaching tools (Verner and Pasco), implement ICT in the learning process and the cross-curriculum topics;
- can apply the scientific method, the computer-based activities in high school biology teaching;
- evaluates the achieved outcomes, analyse the results of final school-leaving state examinations and questions;
- prepares a variety of study materials (concept maps, computer tests etc); is able to raise students' interest in biology and science-related careers.
-applies natural science methods (research teaching), practical activities in teaching. Has an overview of supervising student research papers on biology.
lekt Imbi Henno PhD
Prerequisite course 1