Theories and Methodology of Information Science
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Infoteaduse teooriad ja metodoloogiad
Course title in English
Theories and Methodology of Information Science
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
To support the development of knowledge on information science theories, approaches and models, modern research trends and areas. Analysis of the theoretical approaches, research strategies and methods in the contex of information science research.
Brief description of the course
The nature of information science and its conceptual structure, methodology of information science. Theories, metatheories nd models of information science. Modern trends and research fields of information science. Main paradigms, theories and models in information science research. The applied research methods, research strategies, studies and researchers. The research fields and topics.
The digital library research and applications: development, nature, conceptions, models.
The concept of book studies, its development and fields of research. Theoretical foundation and leading researchers in book history. The concept of book culture and various aspects of its study. Publishing studies and its relation to media studies.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- has knowledge on information science theories, approaches and models, and modern research fields and trends;
- understands the nature of information science, and a conceptual structure;
- understand the nature of international and comparative librarianship and evidence-based librarianship;
- has knowledge of the research process and various research designs and methods in the information science;
- is able to orientate within the different methodologies and techniques implemented in information science, analyze and evaluate the research methodology used in information science, assess quality, and choose the appropriate methods for his/her research;
- has an ability to critically analyse information science research.
Prof. Sirje Virkus; PhD; lekt Aira Lepik, pedagoogikakandidaat
The course is a prerequisite
Additional information
Eksami sooritamiseks on vajalik kõigi praktiliste ülesannete õigeaegne
esitamine ning aktiivne osalemine arutlustes. Eksami koondhindes
arvestatakse: (1) Iseseisvaid praktilisi töid (2) Osalemist ja panust aruteludes (3) Individuaalprojekti (4) Kaasüliõpilaste projekti analüüsi ja hindamist.
Eksamihinne moodustub järgmistest komponentidest:
1) Iseseisvad praktilised tööd (30%)
2) Panus diskussioonidesse (20%)
3) Individuaalprojekt (40%)
4) Individuaalprojekti analüüs ja hindamine (10%)