Course title in Estonian
Infoühiskonna käsitlused ja protsessid
Course title in English
Information Society Approaches and ICT Processes
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Peeter Normak (language of instruction:English)
Course aims
Offer an opportunity to acquire a systematic overview about formation of the concept and technologies of information society as well as about IT solutions, problems and development trends that support the basic processes of information society.
Brief description of the course
The course starts with two introductory lectures (two sessions – six academic hours). These lectures discuss the following topics: 1) The concept of information society: definitions, main authors, the basic treatments. 2) The basic concepts and conceptios related to information society (postindustrial society, knowledge society, network society etc). 3) Structure, basic processes and activity areas of modern information society (social networks, knowledge management and services etc). 4) The influence of information society to societal, economical and cultural development. 5) Programs, institutions and research/analyses that support development of information society. 6) Frameworks of IT processes of information society.
Following the introductory lecture, each student will run a seminar of length 90 minutes in a topic of his/her topic.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- has systematic knowledge about formation of the concept and technologies of information society;
- is able to analyse the possible influence of different aspects of information society to societal, economical and cultural development;
- knows IT solutions, problems and development trends that support the basic processes of information society;
- is able to compose analytical treatments about information society and run seminars.
prof Peeter Normak
Additional information
The examination work consists of three parts:
1) An analytical article on the topic of the student. This should be sent to the teacher at least three days before the class.
2) Conduct a seminar according to the schedule.
3) Review of one analytical article of a fellow student.
For passing the examination, all three parts should be completed.
Study programmes containing that course