Didactic of Informatics
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Informaatika didaktika
Course title in English
Didactic of Informatics
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
Upon completion of the course, the students are able to understand the didactic principles of instructional design and curriculum development, to analyze and use various teaching methods, and to compile learning materials for school informatics.
Brief description of the course
Foundations of didactics, its three main components educational objectives, content and methods. The role, aims and contents of school informatics in Estonian National Curricula, comparison with other countries. History and future trends of school informatics in Estonia and other countries. Curriculum design and informatics as a subject on the school level. Lesson planning. Instructional tasks and assessment in school informatics. Informatics as integrative and integrated subject. Informatics and information technology as cross-curricular topics in school curriculum, ICT-based multidisciplinary projects. Using presentation equipment and groupware tools, active learning in informatics lesson. Development of electronic learning materials and automated quizzes.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- describes and explains the status, aims, contents and learning outcomes of informatics in primary and secondary school curricula;
- describes and explains the development, turning points and future trends of Estonian school informatics in comparison with other countries;
- chooses for a given school informatics topic a didactically suitable teaching and assessment strategy;
- composes a relevant syllabus and lesson plan, analyses critically the syllabi and lesson plans created by other teachers;
- designs a suitable learning environment for school informatics;
- finds, selects and creates suitable digital learning resources and assessment instruments, analyses and evaluates learning resources and assessment instruments created by others;
- describes and explains the aims, contents and application of cross-curricular themes and key competences in the context of teaching informatics;
- designs an interdisciplinary collaborative project-based learning activity, explains to various target groups the specifics of teaching informatics;
- composes an online portfolio and uses it for reflective learning and practice; analyses and evaluates the portfolios made by others.
teadur Mart Laanpere
Additional information
Osalejate piirarv: 25

Hindamisele pääsemise tingimused: veebipõhise e-portfoolio esitamine eDidaktikum.ee keskkonnas, mis sisaldab viis individuaalset kodutööd ja ühe rühmatöö, aga ka refleksioone loengutes/praktikumides õpitu, iseseisvalt loetu ja e-õppekeskkonna foorumites arutletu kohta.