Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Course title in English
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
The course gives an overview of the history of taxation, the tax system and principles of taxation policy.

Brief description of the course
History of taxation. Tax laws. The rights/obligations of a tax payer and tax collector. Managing taxation in an organisation – revisions, sanctions etc. Ownership taxation theory, real estate and personal estate taxation. Calculating tax value. Theory of insurance tax. Pension insurance, health insurance taxation. Income tax theory. Taxation of capital income, business income. Income statement of natural person and its’ taxation. Consumer tax theory. Vale-added tax. Product taxation – customs and excise duties.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- knows the essence of taxing;
- is familiar with the Estonian taxation system and the main principles of taxing;
- is able to analyse and understand the taxation research.
Indrek Saar
Study programmes containing that course
Politics and Governance (RIPGB/23.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/23-o.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/23-t.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/22-t.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/22-o.YK)
Politics and Governance (RIPGB/22.YK)
Politics and Governance (RIPGB/21.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/21.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/20.YK)
Politics and Governance (RIPGB/20.YK)
Politics and Governance (RIPGB/19.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/19.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/18.YK)
Politics and Governance (RIPGB/18.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/17.YK)
Politics and Governance (RIPGB/17.YK)
Politics and Governance (RIPGB/16.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/16.YK)
History (AIAJB/15.HT)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/15.YK)
History (AIAJB/14.HT)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/14.YK)
History (AIAJB/13.HT)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/13.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/13.YK)
History (AIAJB/12.HT)
Teacher of History and Civic (AIAOM/13.HT)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/12.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/12.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/11-1.YK)
Teacher of History and Civic (AIAOM/12.HT)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/11.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/11.YK)
Humanities (KKHB/11.HT)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/10-2.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/10.YK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/10.YK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/10-3.YK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/10-4.YK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/10-1.YK)
Marketing (AKMRB/10.YK)
Law (AKOB/09.YK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/00.YK)
History (AIAJB/00.HT)