Study programme code
Study programme administrator
Reili Argus
MER study programme code
School / college
HT - School of Humanities
Study programme title in Est.
study programme title in Engl.
Language of instruction
Study level
Bachelor's studies
Study domain
Arts and Humanities
Study programme group
languages and cultures
Study programme subgroup
Literature and linguistics
Nominal study period (in semesters)
Access conditions
Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Certificate of Vocational Secondary Education or a corresponding qualification giving access to higher education.
Degrees conferred
humanitaarteaduse bakalaureus
Study programme aims and objectives
On successful completion of the curricula, students will be able to work as reviewers, show more...
editors, spokesmen in institutions assuming the communication in foreign languages and on other posts assuming advanced skills of correct language use. Create a possibility to acquire foreign languages which are very important while working as a reviewer, design the ability to continue studies on the MA-level.
Learning outcomes of the study programme
- understands the structure and orthographic standards of the Estonian language show more...
- demonstrates the skill of applying theoretical knowledge in practical language planning
- uses Estonian language correctly in both written and oral professional communication
- demonstrates proficiency at B2 level in at least one foreign language and at B1 level or above, in one other foreign language
- finds information for use in reviewing Estonian and foreign language texts
- demonstrates the skills necessary for working in a position related to communication and editing. Can identify their own continuing educational requirements
Graduation requirements
The student must fulfill the curriculum in required volume;
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The student must pass examinations in all required subjects, s/he must write and defend his/her thesis;
For graduating one foreign language skill at leat B2 level and other language at B1 level;
For non-Estonians the Estonian language skill at C1 level;
Computer skills necessary for studying at university.
Study programme version structure:
Module type
total ECTS credits
MAIN SPECIALITY: Reviewer-Editor
MINOR FIELD OF STUDY MODULE: Baltic Languages and Cultures
Luua võimalused balti keelte õppimiseks ja omandamiseks ning algseks tutvumiseks balti kirjanduste ja kultuuridega regionaalses kontekstis.
Learning outcomes
Üliõpilane valdab üht balti keelt A1 tasemel, orienteerub baltistika problemaatikas ja suundumustes, show more...
omab ettekujutust balti keelte grammatikast ja suudab teha korrektset grammatilist analüüsi, tunneb Balti riikide ajaloo ja kultuuriloo aluseid, suudab näha seoseid keele- ja kultuuriarengute vahel kogu Balti regioonis.
Compulsory courses:
Course title
Course code
ECTS credits
Elective courses:
Course title
Course code
ECTS credits
Total: at least 14.0 ECTS credits
MINOR FIELD OF STUDY MODULE: Estonian Language Editing
Anda põhilised teadmised ja oskused ilukirjanduslike, erialaste, show more...
populaarteaduslike, publitsistlike jms tekstide tõlkimiseks ja toimetamiseks.
Learning outcomes
Oskus koostada korrektset eestikeelset teksti, toimetada eri liiki tekste keeleliselt ja sisuliselt, show more...
oskus arvestada tõlke toimetamise, ajalehe ning veebiväljaande toimetamise eripära. Üliõpilane on saanud ülevaate kujundamispõhimõtteist. Kõrvalaine ainetes omandatud teadmised ja oskused kinnistuvad keeletoimetaja praktika käigus.
Compulsory courses:
Course title
Course code
ECTS credits