General Didactics
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Course title in English
General Didactics
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Ene Hiiepuu (language of instruction:Estonian)
Kadi Georg (language of instruction:Estonian)
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Kadi Georg (language of instruction:Estonian)
Kriste Talving (language of instruction:Estonian)
Diana Kaldoja (language of instruction:Estonian)
Course aims
- To support the formation of knowledge about the basics of
general didactics and primary skills formation for planning
the learning process supporting the learner's development,
for conducting and analyzing.
- Guide students to analyze the school reality, relying on the
academic to the theoretical knowledge acquired in the
- Direct the collected observational data and acquired
practical didactic and apply information technology
Brief description of the course
Learning concepts, curriculum and didactics. An environment that supports learning and development. The role and tasks of the teacher in designing a learning environment that supports development. The importance and possibilities of supporting students' basic psychological needs (autonomy, competence and belonging). Teacher's instructional style and learners' involvement. Autonomy and structure as important components of a learning environment that supports learning. Planning, conducting and analyzing the learning process that supports the basic needs and growth beliefs of learners - from learning outcomes to feedback, principles and possibilities. Assessment that supports learning, the teacher's role in providing feedback that supports the belief in growth. The role and possibilities of the teacher in shaping general competences. Learning tasks and methods. Possibilities of applying digital tools in teaching. Purposeful and meaningful use of educational technology tools in teaching. The teacher as a researcher and developer of his/her work. As practical tasks in schools: observation of lessons, distinguishing the elements of the lesson structure and time planning; preparation and conducting of lessons.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- is aware of the principles of general didactics and their implementation principles for designing a learning environment that is activating and supports learning;
- sets goals, plans and gives feedback on the learning process, taking into account the students and the objectives of the learning activities;
- analyses the purposefulness and rationality of the learning process, learning assignments and choice of methods, based on theory;
- analyzes and evaluates the suitability of ICT tools and the possibilities of their use in the learning process;
- uses various ICT possibilities in planning and carrying out the learning process and analyzes one's own digital competences.
Ene Hiiepuu, Kriste Talving