Bases of Educational Sciences
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Kasvatusteaduste alused
Course title in English
Bases of Educational Sciences
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Tiiu Kuurme (language of instruction:Estonian)
Veronika Varik (language of instruction:Estonian)
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
To lead students to become familiar with the main terminology in the field (treatment of humans, upbringing, education, school, childhood, studying) and the theories and problems related to it to understand upbringing, education and studying in human life as a whole;
To approach upbringing and education as cultural phenomena in their anthropological and social conditionality by introducing current modern discourse related to them;
To introduce and teach the analysis of the different treatments of humans as the philosophical basis for pedagogical and educational thinking;
To support the students' reflection processes in becoming aware of their own implicit treatments of humans;
To provide a systematic overview of Estonian pedagogical and educational history in different periods and to introduce the main classics of European cultural space in pedagogy;
To teach students to see the mainstream standpoints, problems and possible solutions of education upbringing and education in the historical context of pedagogical thought;
To encourage the students to see reality in a pedagogical light, offering them chances for practical mini-research and discussions of problems through the use of active teaching methods.
Brief description of the course
The field of general pedagogy. Definitions of upbringing and main terminology related to upbringing. Pedagogical system and paradigmatic directions. Different pedagogical concepts and directions. Periodic and societal relations in upbringing; upbringing in post-modernism. Values in pedagogy and pedagogical values. Opportunities of value education. Childhood as a cultural-sociological term. A child and their growing environment in a technological civilisation. Education as a phenomenon in a Western cultural context. Education as a person's self-determination, self-creation and a challenge to personal limits. Education systems and education institutions and their influence on identity. The meaning of studying in the development history of identity. From student to learner.
The field of pedagogical philosophy. A general overview of different treatments of humans in philosophy and pedagogical philosophy from antiquity to today. Individuality and a person's individualisation as a central problem in pedagogical philosophical thought. Pedagogical philosophical treatments of upbringing and learning and the learning person.
The field of the history of upbringing. Estonian peasant culture and home education. The Lutheran world view and the influence of the reformation on the content of studies, the school network and literacy in Estonia. The development of the University of Tartu over time. The school and nationalistic movement of the national awakening and its main figures. The opinions of 20th-century pedagogical scholars (Põld, Käis, Elango and Liimets) on the ethical aspects of upbringing and teaching. The most important classics in pedagogy in European cultural space and their views.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- is familiar with pedagogical terminology, knows the pedagogical system and main pedagogical schools of thought;
- understands and is able to analyse problems related to upbringing and education occurring in reality, can see the conditions and connections that triggered them, and their possible solutions;
- is able to analyse and interpret different treatments of humans and a person's individualisation process as a phenomenon in pedagogical reality;
- is able to reflect on their own angle of approach in pedagogical problems, describe their treatment of humans and the possible factors in its development;
- knows the main standpoints of pedagogical classics in European cultural space;
- knows the main facts of Estonian school history and their connections to cultural history and politics, knows the views of the most important Estonian pedagogical scholars and relates the activities of teachers to the cultural and political context of their time;
- is able to define their own role in the future pedagogical reality as its creator and participant;
- is familiar with specialist literature and uses it consciously to understand pedagogical reality.
Päevaõpe- Tiiu Kuurme, PhD, Tiiu Ernits, PhD; sessioonõpe - Veronika Varik, PhD, Rain Mikser, PhD
Study programmes containing that course
Primary School Teacher (KAKLI/24.HR)
Primary School Teacher (KAKLI/23.HR)
Adult Education (KAANB/25.HR)
Special Education (KAEPB/25.HR)
Early Childhood Education (KAALB/25.HR)
Early Childhood Education (KAALB/24.HR)
Adult Education (KAANB/24.HR)
Special Education (KAEPB/24.HR)
Vocational Pedagogy (KAKPB/24.HR)
Youth Work (TPNR/24.HR)
Primary School Teacher (KAKLI/22.HR)
Education (KAPB/24.HR)
Adult Education (KAANB/23.HR)
Education (KAPB/23.HR)
Primary School Teacher (KAKLI/21.HR)
Early Childhood Education (KAALB/23.HR)
Youth Work (TPNR/23.HR)
Special Education (KAEPB/23.HR)
Vocational Pedagogy (KAKPB/23.HR)
Primary School Teacher (KAKLI/20.HR)
Social Pedagogy (KASPB/22.YK)
Youth Work (TPNR/22.HR)
Adult Education (KAANB/22.HR)
Special Education (KAEPB/22.HR)
Vocational Pedagogy (KAKPB/22.HR)
Education (KAPB/22.HR)
Early Childhood Education (KAALB/22.HR)
Social Pedagogy (KASPB/21.YK)
Special Education (KAEPB/21.HR)
Education (KAPB/21.HR)
Youth Work (TPNR/21.HR)
Adult Education (KAANB/21.HR)
Vocational Pedagogy (KAKPB/21.HR)
Early Childhood Education (KAALB/21.HR)
Early Childhood Education (KAALB/20.HR)
Special Education (KAEPB/20.HR)
Vocational Pedagogy (KAKPB/20.HR)
Education (KAPB/20.HR)
Social Pedagogy (KASPB/20.YK)
Adult Education (KAANB/20.HR)
Youth Work (TPNR/20.HR)
Early Childhood Education (KAALB/19.HR)
Special Education (KAEPB/19.HR)
Vocational Pedagogy (KAKPB/19.HR)
Social Pedagogy (KASPB/19.YK)
Education (KAPB/19.HR)
Adult Education (KAANB/19.HR)
Youth Work (TPNR/19.HR)
Special Education (KAEPB/18.HR)
Education (KAPB/18.HR)
Vocational Pedagogy (KAKPB/18.HR)
Adult Education (KAANB/18.HR)
Early Childhood Education (KAALB/18.HR)
Youth Work (TPNR/18.HR)
Education (KAPB/17.HR)
Special Education (KAEPB/17.HR)
Vocational Pedagogy (KAKPB/17.HR)
Youth Work (TPNR/17.HR)
Adult Education (KAANB/17.HR)
Early Childhood Education (KAALB/17.HR)
Adult Education (KAANB/16.HR)
Vocational Pedagogy (KAKPB/16.HR)
Youth Work (TPNR/16.HR)
Education (KAPB/16.HR)
Special Education (KAEPB/16.HR)
Early Childhood Education (KAALB/16.HR)
Education (KAPB/00.HR)