Management and Marketing in Memory Organizations
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Mäluasutuste juhtimine ja turundus
Course title in English
Management and Marketing in Memory Organizations
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
● To create predconditions for obtaining knowledge on managing and marketing of memory organizations;
● To support to acquisition of an overview on the financial and strategic planning, and human resource management;
● To create the prerequisites for the formation of knowledge and skills to analyze the possibility to adapt marketing theories and models in marketing the memory institutions;
● To create predconditions for obtaining knowledge on creating and developing the marketing plan for memory institutions.
Brief description of the course
The importance of management. Financial management. The values of libraries and ohter memory institutions. Management of change. Motivation and managing people. Teamwork. The Strategic planning process. Formulating a mission. Environmental analysis. Project management, partnership and collaboration. Professional associations.

The conception, aim, nature and tasks of marketing. Areas of using marketing, marketing content and functions. The marketing of non-profit organizations (Kotler, Andreasen, Casoline). Services marketing (Gummesson, Lovelock, Wirtz), social marketing (Zaltman, Shapiro), relationship marketing (Grönroos). The principles of implementation information based services marketing (Rowley). The steps to marketing and cycles of marketing process. A information services marketing position (SWOT, PEST, Porter’s Five Forces analysis), marketing environment. Marketing surveys for conducting marketing process, marketing information system. The market of information services, market segmenting, segments’ indicators.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- knows the principles of the organisation management and strategic planning;
- knows the principles of the human resource management;
- has an overview on the professional associations and cooperation between memory institutions;
- is able to discuss the various types and definitions of “marketing concept”;
- knows main marketing theories and models;
- can transfer the marketing theoretical models into marketing context of memory institutions;
- is able to evaluate at what level information services satisfy users’ needs of memory institutions;
- is able to create a marketing plan for memory institution.
lekt S.Metsar, lekt A.Lepik