Management in Private, Public and non-profit Sector
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Juhtimine era-, avalikus- ja kolmandas sektoris
Course title in English
Management in Private, Public and non-profit Sector
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2025/2026 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
Provide knowledge and skills about various aspects of private, public and non-profit sector in Estonian legal and regulatory environment.
Brief description of the course
The course will provide an overview of private, public and third sector differences. During the course students acquire knowledge of how to analyse
organisation’s environment, plan organisation’s strategy and action plan, marketing and team work.
Essence of management.
Effective meetings, argumentation.
Feedback. Motivation. Hard Talks.
Factors affecting the organization.
Organisation structure.
Leadership and control.
Management functions: strategic planning. Vision,
mission, goals, SWOT/TOWS, values. Scenario
based planning.
Management functions: tactical planning and
organising. Gantt, PERT. Sprint planning. Process
planning. Teamwork.
Management styles.
Management theories.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- acquires knowledge of the characteristics of public, private and third sector management and the main regulations;
- is able to analyze public, private and third sector environment and its influencing factors;
- is able to compile mission, vision and sustainability strategies and development plans;
- is able to evaluate the risks and resource needs of an organisation;
- acquires knowledge of the main principles of team work and marketing.
Külle Tärnov
Study programmes containing that course
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/23-o.YK)
Politics and Governance (RIPGB/23.YK)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/23.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/23-t.YK)
Politics and Governance (RIPGB/22.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/22-o.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/22-t.YK)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/22.YK)
Environmental Management (MLKSB/21.LT)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/21.YK)
Politics and Governance (RIPGB/21.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/21.YK)
Environmental Management (MLKSB/20.LT)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/20.YK)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/20.YK)
Politics and Governance (RIPGB/20.YK)
Environmental Management (MLKSB/19.LT)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/19.YK)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/19.YK)
Politics and Governance (RIPGB/19.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/18.YK)
Politics and Governance (RIPGB/18.YK)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/18.YK)
Environmental Management (MLKSB/18.LT)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/17.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/17.YK)
Politics and Governance (RIPGB/17.YK)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/16.YK)
Politics and Governance (RIPGB/16.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/16.YK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/15.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/15.YK)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (KKLSB/15.YK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/14.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/14.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/13.YK)
Public and Business Management (RIHKB/12.YK)