Study and Analysis of Society
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Ühiskonna uurimine ja analüüs
Course title in English
Study and Analysis of Society
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
Acquisition of the basic knowledge of the aims of analysis of society and main concepts, theories and areas of such analysis;
Acquisition of the ability of seeing the connections between societal issues and personal biographies (including the student’s own);
Acquisition of the basics of methodology used to analyze society;
Creating an understandig of the discipline of sociology.
Brief description of the course
The following theoretical concepts will be touched upon:
• Classical sociological theories: functionalism, conflict theory, societal exchange, symbolic interactionism
• Society and culture: high culture, mass culture, subculture, globalization and multiculturalism, cultural universals and ethnocentrism, civilization, value, meaning, model, ideology, lifestyle and way of life
• The build of society and functional needs: division of labour, institutions, organizations, bureaucracy
• Societal order: deviance, norms, anomie, social control, power, anarchy, social problems
• Stratification: status, classes, unequality, social mobility
• Individuals and society: belonging, solidarity, groups, roles, social and personal identity
• Societal change: modernity, postmodernity, risk society, scial conflicts and integration
• Estonian society: demographics, social problems, stratification, education, labour market, civil society, ethnic and gender relations
• Methods for studying society: research plan, research questions, sample, validity and reliability, qualitative and quantitative methods, observation, questionnaire, interviews
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- knows main areas of sociiological research; main theories and concepts used in these fields;
- is able to differentiate these from the rest of sociological knowledge; is able to connect these theoreis and concepts to rea life phenomena.
Karmo Kroos
Study programmes containing that course
Social Work (STSTB/24-o.YK)
Journalism (KOAB/24.FK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/24-t.YK)
History (AIAJB/24.HT)
Social Work (STSTB/24-t.YK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/24-o.YK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/23-o.YK)
Social Work (STSTB/23-t.YK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/23-t.YK)
History (AIAJB/23.HT)
Journalism (KOAB/23.FK)
Social Work (STSTB/23-o.YK)
History (AIAJB/22.HT)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/22.YK)
Journalism (KOAB/22.FK)
Social Work (STSTB/22.YK)
Social Work (STSTB/21.YK)
Journalism (KOAB/21.FK)
History (AIAJB/21.HT)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/21.YK)
Social Work (STSTB/20.YK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/20.YK)
Advertising and Public Relations (KORSB/20.FK)
History (AIAJB/20.HT)
Journalism (KOAB/20.FK)
Primary School Teacher (KAKLI/17.HR)
Law (AKOB/19.YK)
Journalism (KOAB/19.FK)
Social Work (STSTB/19.YK)
Advertising and Public Relations (KORSB/19.FK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/19.YK)
History (AIAJB/19.HT)
Advertising and Public Relations (KORSB/18.FK)
Law (AKOB/18.YK)
Integrated Natural Sciences (MLLB/18.LT)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/18.YK)
Journalism (KOAB/18.FK)
History (AIAJB/18.HT)
Social Work (STSTB/18.YK)
Law (AKOB/17.YK)
Journalism (KOAB/17.FK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/17.YK)
Integrated Natural Sciences (MLLB/17.LT)
Public Relations (KOSKB/17.FK)
Social Work (STSTB/17.YK)
History (AIAJB/17.HT)
Journalism (KOAB/16.FK)
History (AIAJB/16.HT)
Law (AKOB/16.YK)
Politics and Government (RIRIB/16.YK)
Public Relations (KOSKB/16.FK)
Integrated Natural Sciences (MLLB/00.LT)
Social Work (STSTB/16.YK)
Integrated Natural Sciences (MLLB/16.LT)
History (AIAJB/00.HT)