Course title in Estonian
Noortevaldkonna võrgustikud ja arendus
Course title in English
Youth Field Networks and Development
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Ilona-Evelyn Rannala (language of instruction:English)
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
To form konwledge and understanding about public management in youth field. To provide possibilities to understand design thinking processes and develop creative problem solving skills: manager or developer of youth work as a designer of services.
To form knowledge and understanding of social network theory and the role of interest groups in society, combined with the role of professional networking and also individual and group empowerment in the youth work context. To provide an overview of different networks in the youth field in Estonia, Europe, etc. To form an understanding of the role of networks and networking at different levels of youth work including limitations. To introduce the peculiarities and goals of specialty networks and to create readiness for initiating networking and leading networks.
Brief description of the course
New public management, evidence based approach and critique. Overview of a design thinking process (including principles, attitudes, skills). Applyig design thinking process for solving real life problem. Social network theory, interest and pressure groups, professional networks, empowerment. Different networks in the youth field. The importance of networking in organising youth work, participation in networking, initiating and leading networks.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- knows public management and social network theories and principles of service design in connection to youth field;
- understands the essence and importance of networking in organising youth work at different levels;
- is able to use design process (including methods) to solve youth field problem;
- analyzes herself/himself as a service designer and initiater or leader of network;
- konws most important networks of youth field.
Ilona-Evelyn Rannala, PhD
Study programmes containing that course