e-Governance for Responsible Innovation
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
E-valitsemine vastutustundlikuks innovatsiooniks
Course title in English
e-Governance for Responsible Innovation
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
The objective of the course is to provide students the knowledge on the social impact of e-governance. Students also will be able to develop their competences in innovative development based on modern e-governance tools. The course will remark the conditions for an e-Government solution to be adopted by the society.

Knowlegde, development of skills, the ability of implementation and team work are equal parts of the course.
Brief description of the course
The course introduces the concept of e-governance, the conditions of e-governance adoption its main impact on society.

The course aims to introduce participants into the world of impact-based development works with an emphasis on social adoption and the impact when using modern ICT-based technology in governance.

The course is practice oriented course, following the method of problem based learning where students not only receive academic knowledge on the subject but also develop their creative skills to implement innovative ideas. Relevant amount of independent work will be required during the course that participants can manage in multidisciplinary teams.

We encourage our students to implement their project ideas using the pre-incubator opportunities of Tallinn University.

Course structure:

- Lectures and seminars on e-Governance and its relation to social innovation and social adoption. Participants will get familiar with the literature of innovation and creative management.
- Groupwork on project ideas, pitching sessions, creating project teams.
- Selecting best project ideas. Literature and market analysis on existing examples. SWOT analysis.
- Seminar on user experience (UX).
- Communication seminars, introduction to social media
- Business development seminars, introducing CANVAS model
- Project implementation, pitching, prototype hackathons
- Project presentations
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- knows the basic issues and specificity of open and inclusive governance and the role of innovation in a knowledge based open society;
- understands the challenges related to social adoption of e-Governance innovations;
- is able to co-design and adopt innovative ideas;
- is familiar to use modern ICT technologies in development work;
- understands innovation in the context of e-Governance;
- is familiar with modern communication strategies, the use of social media;
- is able to assess social impact of social innovation in various cultural/national contexts;
- is able to use creative, innovative solutions in service development;
- is able to connect social impacts with business orientation, sustainability with social responsibility;
- has an overview on the contemporary literature on social innovation;
- is able to express, present and demonstrate innovative ideas.
Zsolt Bugarszki, PhD