Course title in Estonian
Vene keele funktsionaalne süntaks
Course title in English
Functional Syntax of Russian
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Ekaterina Batrakova (language of instruction: Russian)
lecturer of 2025/2026 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
- To develope skills to use Russian functional grammar approaches.
- To support developing skills for autonomous analysis of syntactical units and texts with modern research methods.
- To develope skills to use Russian functional syntax approaches.
- To motivate comparative analysis of syntactical units in different languages.
Brief description of the course
Basic terms of Russian functional syntax. Formal, semantic and communicative aspect of Russian sintax. Word-form, word group, simple sentence, complex sentence. Distinctive features of syntactical construction: predicativity, modality, temporality, personality. Characteristics of different simple sentenses. Nature of complex sentence, its classification and grounds for this. Syntactical units in different languages comparative aspect. Lectures deal with theoretical questions, practical classes are meant for specific language units.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- knows principles and trends of Russian functional grammar;
- knows major ideas of Russian syntax description;
- gets bearings in study and research literature on the topic and knows classical research works;
- is able to analyse linguistic terms using modern syntactical methods;
- is able to analyse the structure of a sentence and to define the member of a sentence;
- knows types of Russian sentences;
- is able to draw conclusions on different languages using functional syntax research methods.
Study programmes containing that course