Course title in Estonian
Korrektuuritehnika ja toimetamine
Course title in English
Proof-Reading Technique and Editing
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2025/2026 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
To create preconditions for the development of knowledge and skills of proof-reading and editing.
Brief description of the course
The concept of proof-reading, it’s tasks, possibilities, methods and limitation. Proof-reading marks, their system and groups. Editing’s criteria. Editing’s and proof-reading’s similarity and differences. Usage of dictionaries and reference books during the processes of editing and proof-reading. Practical aspects of Standard Russian: grammar and stilistics, ways to proof-read.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- has got the primary theoretical and practical experience in the field of proofreading and editing;
- will be able to argue in terms of the text editor
Additional information
Kohustuslik kirjandus:
Spravochnik po pravopisaniju i literaturnoi pravke dlja rabotnikov pechati. Rozental, D.
Spravochnaja kniga redaktora i korrektora. Milchin, A. (1974). V laboratorii redaktora. Chukovskaja, L. (1995).
Korrekturnyie znaki.
Korrekturnyie znaki, ispolzujemyie pri raznyh vidah pravki.
Vozmozhnosti formatirovanija tekstov v MS Word.
Osnovnyje funktsii tekstovogo redaktora MS Word.
Tehnologii korrektury teksta. Filippovitš, A. i Ju. (2013)
Korrektura i redaktura tekstov.
Teorija i praktika redaktirovanija. Sikorskij, N.; Tolstjakov, A. (1990)
Представление MS Word 2013/2016.
Study programmes containing that course