Course title in Estonian
Kohalik omavalitsus valitsemissüsteemis
Course title in English
Local Government Institutions and Intergovernmental Relations
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
To introduce local governance: the main concepts, institutions and problems.
To give an overview of essential developments in local governance.
Brief description of the course
The essence of local government and its place in public management system. Types of local government, the structure of the system of local governance and its peculiarities in different countries. Local government as a part of state. Principles and solutions of the structure of the system of administration. Subsidiarity principle, European problems. Communication between levels, the dynamics of government levels, forms of co-operation. Dilemma and mechanisms of centralisation and decentralisation. Models of local government. Indicators of autonomy of local government and ways of ensuring the autonomy. Degree of autonomy and what to do with freedom. Defferent levels of local government, its structure and parties. Politics of local government and interest groups. Local government reform.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
Arusaam kohaliku omavalitsuse toimimisest ja institutsioonide omavahelisest seostest; kohalike institutsioonide ja kodanike koostoimest. Võime vahendada institutsioonide ja kodanike kommunikatsiooni ja diskursust omavalitsuse teatud teemadel. Oskused lugeda teadustekste kohaliku omavalitsuse teemal. Põhilise kirjanduse läbitöötamine ja omamine edasiseks tööks kohaliku valitsemise teemal.