Course title in Estonian
Kodanikuosalus ja koosloome avalikes poliitikates
Course title in English
Public Policy and Co-creation of E-governance
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
- provide a systematic overview of the concept of public policy and developments of e-government in public services;
- develop understanding of contemporary governance and co-governance challenges and their effects on public policy delivery;
- introduce main approaches to public policy-making and reforms of adopting e-Government solutions;
- provide skills to evaluate public e-services and governance technologies from perspectives of social inclusion, publicness and civic innovations.
Brief description of the course
Contemporary concept of public policy and public services. Interaction between public and private sectors with focus on e-Government, ICT- technologies, public values and social engagement. Ativation paradigm towards co-governance and co-creation of public services. The tasks, role and competences of civil servants in the era of e-Governance. Citizens as co-producers and customers (voice, choice and loyalty); opportunities (empowerment) and threats (digital divide, the diffusion of publicness) of co-governance. Techologies for taylor-made public services. Social learning and feedback mechanisms in e-governance technologies.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- has knowledge about opportunities and limits of applying e-Governance technologies in public policy; understanding of contextual embeddedness of public e-services;
- has skills to carry out policy analysis and impact assessment of e-governance solutions in public services;
- has capability to create original and feasible projects of e-solutions taking into account legal and resource limits;
- has awareness of the ethical and social problems related to the public policy implementation via e-governance tools.
Triin Lauri, Anu Toots
Study programmes containing that course