Project Management
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Course title in English
Project Management
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
The course is aimed at students acquiring knowledge related to project management, including project preparation, planning and implementation, financial management and funding of projects, leadership skills, and delivering the message to the different stakeholders. This knowledge will be applied to a series of practical exercises. Therefore, the student shall be able not only to understand the terminology and inner logic of the project management but also apply this knowledge to the practice.
The students acquire skills to create a vision about a product/service, business model/concept, and about putting those ideas into practice. The students receive experiences for the development of entrepreneurial, team and study ideas while developing the ideas into a business model.
Brief description of the course
The students have a choice either to work on their real-life social enterprises (project-based pathway) or to work on the series of case studies presented by the lecturers (the academic pathway).

This choice is done until the second teaching session. In the case of the project-based pathway, student work on their real-life enterprises under the mentoring of the lecturer. Students who participate with their project in the SEMA incubation process and those who want to join an existing project can choose the project-based pathway in this course.

The academic pathway will cover the same project management topics, but the assignments will be formulated by the lecturer based on the theory and examples from the real-life project problems.

Each student can decide whether she or he wants to be in the role of the entrepreneur (project manager), or the member of the project team. That reflects the situation of the potential alumni, where some of them want to run their social enterprises. On the other hand, some might prefer to be able to work in this field in different positions.
During the course, the student acquires the knowledge and skills and terminology related to project management. The topics include an introduction to project management, the economic issues of the project, risk management, certain aspects of human resource management necessary for efficient project management. Also, topics like how to deliver the message to the different groups of stakeholders and the producer-customer relationship. The other topic is project evaluation, impact assessment and follow-up activities.

During the course, the students learn to analyse and form strategic objectives for projects, plan project activities, write project budget and assemble a project team. The course provides an overview of project communication and financial management and how to carry out reporting and evaluation. During the course, several practical exercises are completed.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- knows project cycle methodology, different phases and element, project management and logical framework matrix methodology, terminology related to project work, the definition and importance of SMART goals and how to use them in the project, the basic principles of the project economy and financial planning, what risk management and how to conduct a simple risk analysis;
- knows human resource management 1: Leadership and followership, why great leaders and excellent followers need each other;
- knows human resource management 2: How to form a team; Different team roles; Introduction to the recruitment and selection, what is PR and how to use it in the project management, what is the origin and dynamics of the producer-customer relationship, the importance and basic principles of project evaluation, impact assessment and follow-up activities;
- knows how to formulate the aim of the project projects objectives, including a budget, business plan and financial plan, to conduct a simple risk analysis, to design the basis of the leadership/ followership policies, to design practical steps of how to form a team, to prepare concrete PR activities and customer relation, to prepare a project evaluation and impact assessment, to prepare a plan for the follow-up activities;
- can define and analyse the area-specific or regional problem and connect them with the aim of the social enterprise/ social projects;
- can find suitable funding sources and project partners for own projects;
- can implement and manage the strategic planning of projects and
- compile logframe (logical framework matrix);
- can plan and manage activities supporting the implementation of projects, plan indicators for deliverables and means how indicators will be measured;
- knows evaluation criteria of the potential of the business idea;
- can plan the necessary resources for starting an enterprise, test and develop a business idea based on the clients’ needs, analyse the potential market demand and understand the dynamics of the producer-customer relationship;
- has the experience in teamwork and planning business ideas;
- can present one’s business idea and business model.
Katri-Liis Lepik, PhD