Laboratory Practice
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Course title in English
Laboratory Practice
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2025/2026 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
Knows how to use independantly the selected analytical instrument/analytical procedures.
Brief description of the course
The student has the possibility to learn new methods. The studies may take place either in home laboratory or outside.
Within the course the student can learn to know either the instrumental technologies/methods available in the analytical chemistry laboratories in Tallinn University (the selection is presented below), classical biochemistry methods (protein purification, Western Blot, ROS measurements etc) or outside of home university (other universities in Estonia or abroad, companies, research institutes). The student can concentrate on one method/approach or concentrate on suggested project (which may involve several techniques). In the course of the projcect the independence of the student increases in time and in the end of the project the student is able to carry out the studied procedures by her/himself. The number of contact hours indicates the time the supervisor has to spent together with the student. For the student it means 3-4 weeks of laboratory practice. The completed project will be presented as a written report. In addition the student has to make an oral presentation in a student seminar.
The selection of instrumental methods and related projects available in Tallinn University:
- Analysis of inflammable analytes by Gas Chromatography- FID/MS (the work includes the critical comparison of applied detectors)
- Raman and Infrared Spectroscopy: characterization of the structure of polymers, evaluation of their purity. Comparison of the Raman and IP spectra.
- HPLC with different detectors: analysis of biological samples with parallel detection (possible detector choices: diode array, refractive index, fluorescence, conductivity detection)
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- has technical and practical knowledge on the research areas related to the student’s field of study;
- can develope the scientific picture of the World;
- creates of new contacts and development of international collaboration.
MSc Helene Tigro, MSc Kairi Koort,