Interaction Design Project
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Interaktsioonidisaini projekt
Course title in English
Interaction Design Project
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Eleni Pashia (language of instruction:English)
lecturer of 2025/2026 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
The purpose of the capstone project is to support the development of generic competencies and teamwork skills through solving an interdisciplinary problem in a team.
Course provides opportunities to implement and develop previously achieved knowledge and skills (in the framework of more theoretical courses) in practical settings.
Brief description of the course
Students form small teams (preferably from students from at least three different academic fields) and execute small projects aimed at solving an interdisciplinary problem. Teams report periodically the results of the project.

Student are able to:
- acquired experience to apply knowledge and skills, communicate with client and in team working;
- participate in software development team in different roles;
- acquired skills for successful teamwork, effective communication and workflow;
- acquired skills for developing different software development products;
- implement small-scale development project.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- is able to correctly use the basic concepts of interdisciplinary approach and project management in the collaboratively created project plan;
- can create links between disciplines while planning projects and analyze the perspectives of other disciplines with regard to the solution chosen for the current problem;
- can use the skills of identifying and solving problems and time management while launching and implementing projects;
- can use discipline-specific knowledge newly acquired in the project to bring out its potential for cross-disciplinary implementation;
- can participate effectively in teamwork during the phases of planning, implementing and defending the project;
- can track the project’s performance and effectiveness by critically assessing the activities and suggesting improvement measures;
- can make connections between her/his discipline and wider societal and inter-sectoral problems, discussing these issues in a well-founded way on different levels of action;
- can analyze her/his own and team member’s role, obligations and their contribution to the team’s activities in a self-reflective report.
Andreas Papallas