Course title in Estonian
Disaini teooria ja metodoloogia
Course title in English
Design Theory and Methodology
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2025/2026 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
The goal of the course is to provide an overview of design research methods and their applicability in HCI projects. The course focuses on the fuzzy front-end of the design development process. During the course, students will conduct design research projects in order to identify opportunities for interfaces, services or products which will be developed within the chosen courses of the HCI master’s programme (e.g. Interaction Design Methods).
Brief description of the course
The course addresses:
The role of research in the design process and landscapes of design research (e.g. applied ethnography, generative design research, critical design)
Planning Design Research project (defining goal, research questions, timeline, participants, deliverables)
Setting up and executing a Design Research study (generative sessions, interviews, gathering data in the field)
Introduction to Qualitative Analysis (dealing with qualitative data)
Conceptualization and communication of the findings (e.g. personas, communication workshop)
The course consists of a series of lectures and practical sessions.
Activities are organized in 7 sessions, each focusing on specific topics.
In order to successfully conclude this course, students are required to individually:
Take part in all face-to-face activities;
To realize a design research project in a team of three to five students
To present a written summary of the design research project
To present the contribution to the group project
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- is aware of a spectrum of design research methods (e.g. observations, make tools, interviews);
- can set up and execute a design research study and effectively analyse the resulting data;
- can communicate insights and translate them into new concepts for products or services.
Study programmes containing that course