Information Behavior and Retrieval
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Infokäitumise ja -otsingu teooriad
Course title in English
Information Behavior and Retrieval
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2023/2024 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
To develop a theoretical framework for the analysis and evaluation of information behavior and seeking theories and develop students' intellectual skills in the field of information behavior, information seeking, information retrieval and information literacy research: conceptual precision in the definition of terms, the analytical accuracy of analysing research literature, definition of the research gaps in current research, objective assessment of empirical research and effective presentation skills in conferences, virtual forums and in the auditorium.
Brief description of the course
The course includes the following themes:
Development of the field and the basic concepts. Development of the field of information seeking and retrieval, information behavior and information literacy, and the development of key concepts and their different approaches;
Theoretical framework for the analysis of information seeking and retrieval, and information literacy. Models, paradigms and theories in information behaviour research. Approaches and models of information retrieval (physical paradigm). Approaches and models of information seeking (cognitive paradigm). Approaches and models of information literacy;
Methods, studies and research results of information seeking and retrieval, and information literacy;
Trends in information behaviour, information retrieval and information use research. Integration of research domains. Context and related concepts in information behaviour. Relevancy. Modern research directions in information behaviour, information retrieval and information use. Influence of digital environment and social media on information behaviour.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- is able to explain the nature of information seeking and retrieval, information literacy and information behaviour;
has knowledge on theories, approaches and models of information seeking and retrieval, information literacy and information behaviour;
- has knowledge of the main research fields and researchers of information seeking and retrieval, information literacy and information behaviour;
- is able to analyse, compare and evaluate models and approaches of information seeking and retrieval, information literacy and information behaviour;
- is able to identify research problems in the field of information seeking and retrieval, information literacy and information behaviour;
- is able to participate in the group work and has communicative skills to be able to communicate with different target groups.
Prof. Sirje Virkus, PhD
Additional information
Eksami sooritamiseks on vajalik rühmatöö ning kõigi praktiliste ülesannete
õigeaegne esitamine. Eksami koondhindes arvestatakse: (1) Iseseisvaid
praktilisi töid (2) Osalemist ja panust aruteludes (3) Projekti ja panust
projektimeeskonnas (4) Projektitöö hindelist kaitsmist (5) Kaasüliõpilaste projekti analüüsi ja hindamist.