Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Õppimine ja õpetamine digiajastul
Course title in English
Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2023/2024 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
To provide an overview of different conceptions, theories and practices of teaching and learning in the digital age; to form an understanding of the role of educational technology in educational innovation.
Brief description of the course
Basic concepts and schools: computer-based learning, computer-assisted learning, collaborative learning, distance learning, e-learning, blended learning, instructional media, learning technology, instructional design.
Digital literacy, the changing paradigm of teaching and learning, future school, 21st century skills, Educause Horizon report. Digital immigrants and natives (M. Prensky), digital divide. Three metaphors of learning. Theoretical foundations of learning in the digital age: knowledge building (Bereiter), social-constructivism and connectivism (Siemens). Active, exploratory and experiential learning in the digital age. Studies about learning in the digital age: results and trends. Educational technology and innovation in education: innovation diffusion theory, Moore’s chasm. Technophobia, neo-Luddites, silver surfers. Technology and innovation in the national curriculum.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- can describe the relationship dynamics of technology and education in the past decades;
- can explain the peculiarities of learning in the digital age with the help of proper terminology and theoretical foundations;
- can analyse the main problems and changing trends of learning in the digital age.
P. Lehiste