Digital Cultural Practices
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Digitaalne kultuuriloome
Course title in English
Digital Cultural Practices
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
The purpose of the course is to provide knowledge about the possibilities and peculiarities of digital cultural creation.
Create opportunities to acquire knowledge about digital literature, social media audiovisual content creation and the historical development of computer games, different types and forms of expression.
To provide knowledge about the possibilities of theoretically analyzing different types of digital cultural creation.
To give the skills to analyze different examples of digital culture in seminars.
Brief description of the course
During the course, various possibilities of digital cultural creation are introduced and the changes that have taken place in cultural creation in connection with computer technological developments are analysed. Possible development trends and future forecasts are also discussed.
In the field of digital literature, the history of digital literature is discussed, various hyper and cyber texts (including on-line novels, cave-poetry), fan fiction, the manifestation of participatory culture in online literary phenomena (blogs, literary portals, Facebook, Twitter (X), Instagram). Various theoretical possibilities for the study of digital literature are introduced.
In the field of computer games, the history of computer games, game genres and game studies, ways of studying computer games (including ludology, narratology) are discussed, the main theoretical frameworks for the humanistic study of games are introduced. Artificial intelligence and computational creativity are also explored.
In the field of social media audiovisual content creation, the development of content creation and the content creator as a phenomenon, the accompanying norms and ways of making sense of the activity (e.g. as work, self-discovery, hobby, creation) are discussed over time, specific types of audiovisual content are observed and analyzed (picture and audio memes, various short video genres, different image genres) and the scientific concepts used to understand and study them. The manifestation of participatory culture in the context of multimodal content creation of social media is discussed.
During the course, students complete three seminars where various examples of digital literature, computer games and social media audiovisual content creation are analyzed as a group work. In addition, students complete the final seminar on future visions.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- has a systematic overview and enhanced knowledge of the opportunities and particular characteristics of digital creation of culture;
- has knowledge of digital literature, social media audiovisual content creation and the historical development of computer games, different types and forms of expression;
- knows the theoretical analysis options of the different fields of digital culture;
- has practical skills to analyse different fields of digital culture.
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