19th Century Russian Literature
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
19. sajandi vene kirjandus
Course title in English
19th Century Russian Literature
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2025/2026 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
To encourage the study of the development stages of 19th century Russian literature. To support the acquisition of monographic knowledge of the works of the most important writers of the era. To support independent literature analysis skills. Develop oral argumentation skills
Brief description of the course
The literary movement of the beginning of the 19th century. Major literary trends and their interrelation. Romantism in Russian literature. V. Zhukovskij’s biography and creative work. The literary society „Arzamas“. A. Gribojedov’s biography and creative work. The periodisation of A. Pushkin’s creative work. A. Pushkin’s poetry (lyric and poems). A. Pushkin’s drama works („Boriss Godunov“, „Malenkiye tragedii“). A.Pushkin’s realism („Jevgeni Onegin“). A. Pushkin’s novels („Povesti Belkina“, „Pikovaya dama“, „Kapitanskaya dotchka“). M. Lermontov’s biography. M. Lermontov’s poetry (lyric and poems). M. Lermontov’s novel „Geroj nashego vremeni“. N. Gogol’s biography and creative work. („Mirgorod“, „Peterburgskie povesti“, „Revizor“, „Mertvye Dushi“). The Neutral School. The tradition of critique (V. Belinskij, I. Panaev). I. Gontčarov’s biography and creative work. The literary magazines of the 1860-s, prose, poetry. I. Turgenev’s biography and creative work („Zapiski ohotnika“, „Rudin“, „Otcy i deti“, „Dym“, „Nakanune“). N. Nekrasov’s, F. Tjutčev’s, A. Fet’s, A. Tolstoj’s poetry. M. Saltykov-Stšedrin’s biography and creative work („Istoriya odnogo goroda“). F. Dostojevskij’s biography and creative work („Prestuplenie i nakazanie“, „Idiot“, „Besy“, „Bratja Karamazovy“ and other). L.Tolstoi’s biography and creative work („Kazaki“, „Voina i mir“, „Anna Karenina“, „Voskresenie“ and other). N. Leskov’s biography and creative work („Soboryane“, „Nekuda“, „Zheleznaya volya“, „Kolyvanskyi muzh“, „Na kraju sveta“ and other).
A.Tshekhov’s biography and creative work. A. Tshekhov’s drama.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- has acquired a good level of knowing and understanding major literary works of the period;
- understands the literary process and the historical and cultural context;
- understands the distinguishing feature of the 19th century literature;
- understands the mechanisms of literary system formation and its further development.
Sergei Dotsenko